The autumn sun was shining over the Monastery Fürstenfeld last weekend, and so did we, the about 50 exhibitors and the more than 1,000 visitors to this year's 16th Experience the World of Fly Fishing. After the EWF, which normally takes place in the spring, now had to be canceled two times in a row because of Corona, we decided this summer to organise an autumn show. Despite many doubters, the EWF was a complete success for everyone, exhibitors and visitors. However, the difficult planning phase with new Corona requirements every week and countless discussions with authorities paid off. On two floors of the Tenne, exhibitors sold their products, travel suppliers and clubs with fly fishing waters provided information about various destinations and about 30 fly tiers showed their fly patterns and gave helpful tips on fly tying. The entire outdoor area of the event forum was available for all companies and visitors to test and try rods, reels and lines. Many companies with fly fishing tackle had their own designated casting station where their employees, casters or instructors could be found. Internationally known casters invited to test, try and cast the rods of well-known brands. A comprehensive hygiene concept with rapid tests for the unvaccinated carried out by a doctor on-site created the necessary safety for our event. After two and a half years without EWF, exhibitors and visitors were happy to breathe fly fishing air again. Now everyone is looking forward to next year, when the gates of the 17th Experience the World of Fly Fishing will open on April 02 and 03, 2022. Then again in full size with over 100 exhibitors in the entire area of the Event Forum Fürstenfeld. We look forward to welcoming you! Your EWF team