Casting for Children and Teenager

Dear young fly fishers, the EWF casting team is looking forward to seeing you again!

Like last year, Adrian Hauser and his team Cora, Sebastian, Josef, Leonie and Hubert will be there for you again, when it comes to inspiring "youth for fly fishing".
On both EWF days, children and young people can join the EWF casting team at the pool to cast the fly rod, to test, to try out and and and.
They also show you how to handle the fly fishing tackle and give tips and suggestions. Regardless of whether you have ever held a fly rod in your hand or not.

To better coordinate the casting for kids and teens, we will again have set times for them at the second casting pool. Those times are

Saturday and Sunday
  •  11:00 - 11:30 pm
  •    2:00 -   2:30 pm
  •    3:30 -   4:00 pm
Information and Registration
All those interested, please come to the "Casting for children and young people" stand on the ground floor of the Tenne, directly opposite the catering area. There you can find out everything else.
Impression from 2024


