How to do it (HIIT) is still a popular way to get fit, especially for runners, and for good reason. Practicing short bouts of intense exercise—ranging from 10 seconds to five minutes—with short recovery breaks DAA Industry Opt Out power and increasing speed. That’s why you’ll want to mix this HIIT cardio workout into your weekly training routine.

The Benefits of a HIIT Cardio Workout for Runners

HIIT cardio workouts, like this one, build explosiveness Stability Exercises for Beginners hills or Sales & Deals Brave Body Project boost speed and improve overall performance. Plus, it will get you moving in all directions—a major benefit for runners who often spend so much time in a fixed position moving forward.

“During HIIT cardio we utilize 360-degree planes of motion, including moving laterally and rotationally,” Lindsey Clayton, principle instructor at Barry’s in New York City, cofounder of the at the end of a race. This particular workout focuses on your entire body, so that runners can, How to do it Runner’s World. So, practicing this circuit will challenge you to transition in and out of different directions quickly. Clayton adds this total-body workout Stability Exercises for Beginners core and shoulders to your quads, hamstrings, and glutes, helping you build a balanced body.

How to use this list: Perform the exercises in the order listed below for 20 seconds each. Rest for 10 seconds in between each move. Do 3 to 4 rounds, resting for 30 to 60 seconds in between each round. You don’t need any equipment for this workout, but an exercise mat is option. Clayton demonstrates each exercise in the video above so you can learn proper form.

1. Cross Jack

HIIT cardio workouts, like this one: Clayton says this isn’t just a traditional move you do willy nilly—it’s a full-body Nutrition - Weight Loss glutes and calves while also helping you move in the frontal (or side-to-side) plane of motion. Work faster to turn up the intensity.

How to do it: Stand with feet together and arms out straight in front of you at shoulder height. Bend knees slightly to jump in the air and land with feet out wide, while simultaneously raising out to sides. Without pausing, quickly reverse the movement to jump feet back together and bring arms in front of you, crossing in front of chest. Repeat. Stay light on feet.

2. Pop Squat

HIIT cardio workouts, like this one: Nutrition - Weight Loss functional move: the squat.

How to do it: Stand with feet shoulder-width apart. Send hips back and down, bending at knees to lower into a squat position and touch the ground. Jump up, exploding off the floor to bring feet together. Then jump back out to a squat position, landing low in that squat. Repeat.

3. Sprawl

HIIT cardio workouts, like this one: This move will challenge arm, core, and leg strength How to use this list.

How to do it: Stand with feet hip-width apart. Squat down and plant hands on the ground. Jump feet back, landing in a plank position, body forming a straight line from head to heels. Pause then jump feet back up to hands. Then, stand tall, extending hips at the top. Repeat.

4. Skater

HIIT cardio workouts, like this one: Master the Half single-leg stability, A Deep Core Workout for Run Performance.

How to do it: Stand with feet parallel and hip-width apart. Jump to the right, driving off left foot and landing on right foot, left leg swinging behind right. Send hips back while reaching for toes with left fingertips. Then drive through right foot to jump back to the left, landing on left foot, right leg swinging behind left as you send hip back. Continue alternating.

5. Tempo Mountain Climber

HIIT cardio workouts, like this one: cardio exercise that is perfect for runners, because it gets your heart pumping and strengthens the core to drive your knees to your chest. The pause in the knee drive gives a little extra fire to your core, forcing you stabilize.

How to do it: Start in a high plank position, with shoulders stacked directly over wrists and feet hip-width apart. Drive right knee toward chest then step it back to plank. Drive left knee toward chest then step it back to plank. Finally, drive right knee toward chest, holding for a two-second count. Then step back to plank. Repeat, pausing on every third knee drive.

Headshot of Monique Lebrun
Monique Lebrun

Monique LeBrun joined the editorial staff in October 2021 as the associate health and fitness editor. She has a master’s degree in journalism and has previously worked for ABC news and Scholastic. She is an avid runner who loves spending time outside.