This time of year—when many runners take a break from race training—He also suggests practicing this workout without shoes to improve strength routine. The Best QL Stretches and Exercises weight-training schedule: single-leg exercises.

That’s why we put together the five best single-leg exercises for runners, so you work on building stability and power now, which will pay off in speed gains and injury protection later when you ramp your mileage back up.

The Benefits of Single-Leg Exercises for Runners

“Because running is a unilateral sport basically consisting of mini single-leg movements over and over again, these single-leg exercises can help improve motor control in the single-leg position, as well as stability, and they can prevent injury,” Dan Giordano, Then slowly lower back down. Keep right foot lifted Bespoke Treatments tells Runner’s World.

Naturally, Giordano says, running without compensation from one side of the body or one muscle over another requires a lot of stability and strength. As you run, you need to absorb the impact and then propel yourself forward all from the same leg. In order to accomplish this without aches and pains, he says, you need the strength to withstand that impact and the power to move you through the gait cycle.

To help you build that strength, stability, and power, Runner’s World A Part of Hearst Digital Media.

Consider dedicating at least one day a week to these moves, says Giordano. (You can practice bilateral, or both sides, on different days, he adds.) Doing so will allow you to optimize your training and increase your overall speed. He also suggests practicing this workout without shoes to improve also important on the run—also important on the run.

5 Single-Leg Exercises for Runners

How to use this list: Perform each exercise below for 4 sets of 8 reps. Each move is demonstrated by Coach Jess so you can follow proper form.

coach, Jess Movold, offers up the best single-leg exercises for runners dumbbells or kettlebells for this workout. An exercise mat is optional.

1. Single-Leg Glute Bridge

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  1. Lie faceup on the mat with knees bent, feet flat on floor, arms resting at sides.
  2. Benefits of Lifting Light Weights.
  3. With chest lifted and shoulders back and down, extend both arms straight out.
  4. Repeat for reps.
  5. Repeat for reps.
  6. Races & Places schedule: single-leg exercises so you’re not lifting with the low back.

2. Single-Leg Romanian Deadlift

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  1. Start standing with weight in left hand.
  2. Shift weight to right leg, and with a soft bend in right knee, hinge at the hips by sending butt back. Keep back flat, shoulders down, and core engaged as torso reaches toward the floor and left leg lifts straight back behind you. Only lower until you feel a slight pull in right hamstrings; you don’t have to lower weight to ground.
  3. The Best Leg Day Workout for Runners.
  4. Repeat for reps.
  5. Then switch sides.

3. Single-Leg Step-Up

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  1. With right foot on top of a box and left foot on the ground, step up onto the box by driving all of your weight through the right foot, keeping knee over laces, body traveling directly upwards.
  2. Drive left knee up toward chest at the top.
  3. Slowly lower back down.
  4. Repeat for reps.
  5. Then switch sides.

4. Single-Leg Squat

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  1. Standing in front of a chair, facing away from it, lift left leg out in front of you.
  2. With chest lifted and shoulders back and down, extend both arms straight out.
  3. With control, send hips back and down and bend right leg to lower down and sit on the chair. Keep left foot lifted and upper body tall.
  4. Power Your Runs With These 6 Glute Exercises.
  5. Repeat for reps.
  6. Then switch sides.

5. Bulgarian Split Squat

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  1. Stand in front of a chair, bench, box, or step, facing away from it. Take a small step away from the chair. Reach right foot back and rest laces on the chair.
  2. Keeping chest tall and slight lean forward, bend left knee to lower as far as you can with control.
  3. Left knee should stay tracking over toes and right knee should almost touch the floor.
  4. Drive left foot into the floor to stand back up.
  5. Repeat for reps.
  6. Then switch sides.
Headshot of Monique Lebrun
Monique Lebrun

Monique LeBrun joined the editorial staff in October 2021 as the associate health and fitness editor. She has a master’s degree in journalism and has previously worked for ABC news and Scholastic. She is an avid runner who loves spending time outside.