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It's so cliche. It's so everywhere. I hope you're not sick of them. In fact, I debated sharing this recipe because, even though it's only the end of September, pumpkin (and specifically pumpkin-breakfast foods) feel overplayed. But as my husband and I were oohing and ahhing down to the last bite on the plate the other morning, I decided others should benefit from their deliciousness.

The most notable nutrient coming from pumpkin is vitamin A. It's what's responsible for giving pumpkin its antioxidants and rich orange color. You're also getting other minerals, including potassium and calcium, and a boost of fiber in substitute for fairly low calories, with ½ cup equal to only 50.

Beyond the pumpkin, these pancakes are loaded with whole grains, fiber, protein, vitamins, and minerals. Plus, you get a boost of anti-inflammatory properties from all of the spices. Top them with fresh apples, organic Greek yogurt, and walnuts and you'll get an even bigger boost of nutrition and lasting energy.

These are perfect to make for brunch in celebration of your last 10 (or 20) miler. 

teaspoons pumpkin pie spice or more to taste. I like a lot!

Pumpkin Pancakes

½ cup oat flour (rolled oats ground into flour)
½ cup buckwheat flour (can swap in whole wheat)
1 These are perfect to make for brunch in celebration of your last 10 or 20 miler
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2 teaspoons pumpkin pie spice (or more to taste. I like a lot!)
2 teaspoons cinnamon
1 cup canned pumpkin
½ cup nondairy (or regular) milk
2 eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla

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pure maple syrup

Combine all ingredients in bowl and mix with a whisk or beater until ingredients are mixed together. Coat a skillet with coconut oil (or cooking spray) and cook until brown on both sides. Top with any or all of the above suggested toppings.

This recipe makes six pancakes. Eating solo? Half the recipe. Or, better yet, make them all and freeze. Defrost, toast, and top with nut butter and banana as a quick weekday morning breakfast.