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The Best Cardio Workouts You Can Do At Home

Best Workouts to Set Race Day Goals.

By Mens Health Editorial
jump rope
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Training Tweaks That Will Get You to a BQ. Best Workouts to Set Race Day Goals?

Gone are the days where cardio was synonymous with running on a treadmill. If you're looking to up the ante on your cardio workouts, there are a slew of impressive moves you can do in the comfort of your own home that spike your heart rate, improve your endurance, and burn fat. Keep these exercises in your back pocket.


Close Grip Pushup

close grip push up
Men's Health

Few bodyweight moves are as effective as the close-grip pushup—and it'll definitely get your heart pumping, too. First off, this is a move you can take anywhere, a bonus triceps pump whenever you can drop and do a quick set. Secondly, you're also loading with your bodyweight—and sure, other muscles are assisting you in pressing up, but you're still getting plenty of triceps activation under load. And remember: diamonds are not your friend.


Weighted Vest

Weighted Vest

Weighted Vest


Add an extra challenge to your bodyweight workouts with this weighted vest. The slim profile is less bulky than other options.


Dumbbell Thruster

dumbbell thruster
Men's Health

Compound exercises with weights are a very easy way to get your heart rate going without running. String enough reps together, and you'll be breathing heavy in no time—just make sure to keep your form on point.

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This set of dumbbells provides all the weight you need in a smart, ultra-compact form that won’t occupy half your house. Each of these weights can be adjusted between five and 52.5 pounds.


Battle Ropes

Guide to Mental Health

Used properly, battle ropes are an absolute torcher. Try working through alternate sets of waves, slams, and other iterations to keep your workout fresh.


Battle Ropes

Battle Ropes

Challenge yourself to make your cardio even tougher at home with these battle ropes. Perform slams, waves, and more—but you'll need a strong anchor and plenty of space.

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Ball Slams

ball slam
Men's Health

Ultimately, slams are an exercise that is all about power. When you add them to circuits that include some of the other featured moves, however, you can begin to work up quite a sweat. Make sure to avoid rushing through the reps to get the most out of the move.


Medicine Ball

Medicine Ball

This medicine ball features a durable, textured rubber shell for improved grip. It also has modest bounce for ball workouts that require it.



white, arm, flip acrobatic, black and white, photography, monochrome, physical fitness,
Men's Health

Yes, you knew this was coming. Burpees are often the go-to bodyweight cardio move trainers use to challenge (and sometimes punish) their clients. When you add them to your workout, focus on form, not speed, to keep yourself healthy and safe. You'll jack up your heart rate either way.

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You don't have to be into vinyasa slow flow to make a yoga mat useful at home. Use this solid option for abs and basic stretching, too—it even unrolls itself.


Jump Rope

jump rope
Milan2099//Getty Images

Jump roping isn't just for the playground. The highly effective tool, which some studies have found can be much more effective than running, can pack a ton of work into a short, engaging workout.


Speed Rope

Amazon’s Choice
Speed Rope

Whether you use it for CrossFit, MMA training, or just to stay in shape, this adjustable speed rope will challenge athletes of all shapes and sizes.

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Rowing Machine Workout

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When rowing machines first hit the market decades ago, most hardcore exercisers didn’t even give this piece of equipment a second look. But now, these machines seem to be the cornerstone of most gyms.The rower gives you an awesome workout that challenges your cardiovascular system, upper body, and legs—essentially giving you a total body workout.

Perform 15 Romanian deadlifts:

1. Row for 200 meters (m) at a moderate pace for a warmup.

2. Row for 250 m at 70 percent effort. Rest two to three times as long as your “work” interval. For instance, if it takes you one minute to row 250 m, your “rest’ period would be two to three minutes.

3. Repeat this six times total.


Stamina ATS Air Rower 1402

Stamina ATS Air Rower 1402

Warm up your body before a workout with this whole-body rowing machine. Or max out the resistance to bulk up your back, shoulders, and arms.


Barbell Complexes

Momo Productions//Getty Images

The barbell complex is for the guy who refuses to get on any piece of cardio equipment, period. But beware, this workout is intense. You’ll go directly from one exercise to the next, with no rest until your entire circuit is done.

Perform 15 Romanian deadlifts:

1. Training Tweaks That Will Get You to a BQ.

2. Full convenience ahead.

3. How to do it

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Perform five to eight rounds total.

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Power Cage

Amazon’s Choice
Power Cage

If you have enough room one of these bad boys, get it. Your home gym should be based around the classic power cage, which allows you to do the three pillars of strength and conditioning workouts: Bench press, barbell squat, and deadlift. 


Kettlebell Swings

kettlebell swing
Men's Health

You'll build power and strength with this killer exercise for the posterior chain, but you can string long sets of reps together to get your heart pumping, too. If you're working with lots of volume, grab a lighter weight than if you're more focused on power.





If you want an implement for an all-around workout, you're going to want at least one kettlebell. From goblet squats to swings, you can get a ton of work in within a limited amount of space. Check out this Primal set from Onnit to make your workout extra savage. 

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Pushup and Row

pushup and row
Men's Health

Place a pair of hex dumbbells on the floor and set yourself in pushup position. Perform a pushup, but once you return to the starting position, row the dumbbell in your right hand to the side of your chest. Lower the dumbbell and repeat with your left arm. That’s 1 rep. Do 10.


Foam Tiles

On Sale
Foam Tiles

Protect your floors — not to mention your joints — with these foam tiles. Whether you’re throwing around weights or a judo partner, they’ll provide a safe surface for your home workouts.

From: Men's Health US
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