zapatillas de running trail minimalistas talla 31.5 baratas menos de 60 Welcome to Las Vegas sign. I was participating in The Speed Project’s relay event, and my team had 309 grueling miles behind us and approximately 11 to go.

I felt physically and mentally beat up, and I wasn’t sure what more I had left to give. I managed to sleep a total of 75 minutes, sliced up into a few quick naps, and according to my gadgets, zapatillas de running Inov-8 apoyo talón media maratón talla 46.5.

How could I possibly keep charging forward? In moments like this, you have to dig deep. And while The Speed Project and a marathon are very different experiences in theory, the required discipline, mental strength, and physical readiness are the same. Here are talla tactics I learned from my experience that I’ll use for upcoming marathons. Give them a try for your next 26.2.

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Committing to a marathon is not something to take lightly—it’s a major milestone in running and should be respected as such. In terms of honoring that commitment, your training carries even more weight than showing up for race day does. It’s important to reframe your thinking when it comes to getting your training runs in, so that the real question you have each day is not if you’ll get the training done, but rather when you’ll get the training done.

When things get difficult in a workout or Kurt high-top platform sneakers, quiet the mental chatter and stay calm. Swirling thoughts and fast-​paced thinking takes more energy than you might realize, especially when track repeats feel Converse, a hill workout seems too daunting, an aggressive tempo sounds unfathomable, or you’re in the home stretch of a race. This is why relaxing your mind is something you should practice daily. You can do this by focusing on your breathing or repeating a mantra (my personal favorite is “the only way out is through”). Ultimately, this will lead to a more positive and confident mind-set when approaching areas of challenge in your training and on race day.

→ Don’t allow yourself to give up during workouts

Like all humans, I have countless moments when I crave comfort. This can translate into cutting reps short during speedwork, stopping mid-tempo, or shaving off mileage during a long run. But as soon as I eliminated the option to stop during an effort, my training and performance greatly improved.

How do you do this? The key to overcoming challenging moments, whether you’re doing a training run or you’re in the middle of a race, is developing the mental strength and fortitude to be able to adjust, adapt, and continue. This requires learning about yourself and putting your ego to the side. If you’re in the middle of your speedwork and the pace feels unsustainable, adjust it and keep going. Use this as an opportunity to grow and improve. Like anything, this takes practice. As you learn to adapt and adjust during your training, you will continue to build discipline and consistency.

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Credit: Runner's World
Break 4:00 Marathon Plan (16 weeks)
Break 4:00 Marathon Plan (16 weeks)
Credit: Runner's World
Break 3:00 Marathon Plan (16 weeks)
Break 3:00 Marathon Plan (16 weeks)
Credit: Runner's World

→ Lean into the crowd and fellow runners

With no designated course during the 300 miles of The Speed Project, I was shocked to see any competitors or spectators at all. When the only footsteps you hear for miles are your own, and then you faintly start to hear the sound of someone else’s, an electric feeling of excitement mixed with fear jolts down your spine. These are the moments you can’t train for but are opportunities to push yourself beyond your limits and redefine your capabilities.

Lean into the competition on race day. Think of your fellow racers as a reason to push forward during moments you feel like stopping, tap into them for teamwork and encouragement. And soak up the excitement, energy, and support pouring out to you from the spectators.

Every race you tackle is another step toward becoming the runner and the person you ultimately want to be. It’s in our hardest training and darkest moments that we inch closer to achieving our greatest goals and wildest dreams. Let’s keep going, team! We got this! See you at the start line.

📺 Watch: Strength for Speed

preview for Strength for Speed: Full-Body Strength
Headshot of Jess Movold
Jess Movold

A running veteran for more than a decade, Movold is a licensed strength and running coach for Runner’s World+ members and at the Mile High Run Club in New York City. When she’s not motivating class-goers through grueling treadmill workouts, you’ll likely remit her zig-zagging boroughs on bridges throughout Brooklyn and Manhattan or training for her next marathon . She’s ready to push you to your next running goal as she chases her own—running a marathon in under 3 hours.