An avid soccer player throughout high school and college, Melissa Connelly didn’t start running until her mid-20s in an effort to lose weight post-pregnancy. After winning her first 5K at 35, she’s been in love with running ever since. Always one to seek out her next challenge, Connelly rewarded herself with a Peloton bike.

“I’d been thinking about a Peloton for a long time but had reasons why it wasn’t worth the investment. I could always run outside,” she says. “But I needed to go hard on something new. I tried a Peloton class at a gym when I was on the road for work, and it was the hardest I’d worked out in a year. I thought, this is it.”

And so it was. Since joining Peloton—a virtual community that is more than 4 million members strong counting those with Peloton equipment and those who pay for just the digital subscription—Connelly has gone from a 6:50-mile pace to a 6:15-mile pace in about six months time.

“I never thought I could run a mile in 6 minutes and 15 seconds,” she says. “You push yourself so hard in the Power Zone training, and that helped me become a better sprinter.”

She’s not alone. Dan Nicolas of Jacksonville, FL, says his 15K time went from 1 hour and 57 minutes to 1 hour and 52 minutes after using Peloton for his training.

“[Peloton] does seem to have the runner in mind with their offerings,” Nicolas says. “For example, if you do an outdoor audio-coached class, they’ll recommend taking stretching for runners and strength training for runners.”

While the Peloton Bike is often the star of the show, the app’s other offerings—strength training, yoga, outdoor walks/runs—are part of a complete cross-training offering. Here’s how to make the most of your membership and, if you’re persistent, use it to improve your running form.

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Give Your Legs a Break

“Biking helps you maintain your fitness and improve your stamina,” says Peloton Bike and Tread instructor Olivia Amato. “On days when your legs need a break from running, taking a low-impact ride (lowish resistance and high cadence) is a great option to still get your cardio in without crushing the legs. We also have a lot of fun-first music type rides that you can use on your recovery days as well to keep things fun and dynamic.”

Swap Your Recovery Run for a Recovery Ride

Recovery runs Core for Runners series is a fan favorite among runners. In a Peloton training plans, but recovery can come in many forms. “You can replace a recovery run with a longer recovery ride for less impact as well,” says Amato. “I find that when I’m taking a recovery ride, I’m more inclined to listen to my body and slow things down than I am when I am running.”

Try Power Zone Training

According to Peloton’s blog, The Output, “Power Zone rides are focused on achieving specific output levels at different times throughout a class in order to improve your strength, endurance, and overall performance.”

Although there are seven power zones (ranging from very easy/Zone 1 to max effort/Zone 7), most of the Power Zone classes focus on zones 4 through 6. The zones, or target output ranges, are determined according to a specialized fitness test called a “Strategies for Getting Faster,” or “FTP Test” and customized to each rider.

“I’ve especially found that Peloton’s Power Zone classes help my running a lot. I really appreciate the methodical plans to the classes and find that the different PZ classes offered mirror different workouts I did when I was marathon training, so it makes sense to me,” shares Christa Mangan of New York. “Since I started doing PZ training earlier this year, I've noticed that I’m not only more powerful on the bike, but also in my running. I don’t run much anymore, but when I do, I've noticed that my pace hasn’t slowed down much even though I only run 3 to 7 miles a week.”

Crush Your Core

Peloton Tread instructor and former Runner’s World cover star Becs Gentry’s “Core for Runners” series is a fan favorite among runners. In a Peloton blog post, Gentry recommended runners do “one upper body, one lower body, and one total body training session per week.”

Think Beyond the Bike

“I had no idea how much I would love the outdoor running classes,” says Connelly. “It’s like having a personal trainer in your ear, which is so helpful.”

Mangan agrees. “I also really enjoy their audio/outdoor runs, especially for interval/speed work,” she says. “I think they are a good way to switch up my running routine, especially if I’m not at home with my Peloton.”

Get Those Stretches In

Confession time: How likely are you to lace up your shoes, skip those pivotal stretches and (literally) hit the ground running? We’ve all been guilty of it from time to time, but it’s essential to ensure that your body is Give A Gift and can cool down after.

“Before Peloton, I rarely stretched before or after a run,” Mangan admits. “Now, I make sure to add at least a 5-minute pre- and post-run stretch before and after my runs.”

Embrace the Community

“One of the things I miss the most with the pandemic is races,” says Connelly. “A lot of people who aren’t runners don’t understand why you’d pay $50 to run in the street if you can run for free. You don’t do it because of the run; you do it because of the community. With Peloton, you have the opportunity to build a virtual community and that has been awesome.”