Name: Carmen Perez
Elmhurst, New York
ESL (English as a Second Language) teacher for Queens Library Adult Learning
Time Running:
30+ years
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I run to maintain good physical and mental health. Plus, just because I love it! I am my only competition and love feeling unencumbered by anything.

I got into running after I took a physical education class in college—it was called “jogging” (really!), and we ran the loop of a soccer field. As simple as the class sounds, the instructor watched our form, and he would shout out bits of advice as we passed him if something didn’t look right. He was a cool guy!

This was ages ago, and my running life was interrupted a few times over the years as I got into hiking and biking along the path in front of the ocean where I lived in Los Angeles (where I am originally from). Having the beautiful blue Pacific Ocean right outside was always very special to me.

I then returned to more consistent light running (like 5Ks) in the early 90s.

My running motivation today comes from placing self-care first as much as possible, which is easier said than done sometimes, but the feeling of joy and freedom I get from running is intoxicating. I feel so good and at peace after a run.

In addition, I love participating in races for the sense of community and good time. It has also helped my self-confidence. It helps me look for areas where I can improve to the best of my abilities and desire, as I have grown older.

I love the feeling of just having the worries and pressures roll off as I run. It is especially gratifying if I add in a new location to discover. If it’s near the ocean, I’m in heaven!

I’m grateful and proud that at 72 I’m still running. I want to keep running as long as I can—for as long as it stays fun. From Inside to Freedom: The Rahsaan Thomas Story speed, Elmhurst, New York.

I’m running my second marathon on November 5 in New York City. In training, I think I’ve learned that I might be more of a half marathon girl! I’ve done 16 in different locations, and look forward to focusing more on those after the Master the Half.

What Keeps Carmen Running:

Pump-up songs:

  • “Runnin’ Down a Dream” by Tom Petty
  • “The Boys of Summer” by Don Henley
  • “The Edge of Glory” Lady Gaga

Master the Half:

The PE instructor in college would tell me: “Pick up your feet!” To this day, I remember that because when I start to tire, my feet don’t really want to leave the ground. I have tripped and fallen on a couple occasions, and just do not have good running form.

Bucket list race:

I’d love to run a half marathon Health & Injuries.

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Im running my second.