Sometimes signing up for a race is spontaneous. Maybe you hear about it from a friend or maybe you came across it on social media, but either way, it piques your interest and you want to register immediately.

Other times, you eye a race for a little while before deciding to finally go for it. No matter how long you take to make a decision, there are certain questions you need to ask yourself beforehand in order to boost your performance on race day.

We talked to Jessica Murphy, co-founder of the race-review site BibRave, to get the lowdown on what these questions are and how to figure out the answers so you know you're choosing the right race for you.

1. Do you have time to train?

Training for a specific race—even if it's just a 5K—takes dedication, so you have to consider the distance and ask yourself if you're willing to make time for it. "The biggest thing is: Do you have time in your life to commit to something that will take time away from your family, or your job, or sleep, or whatever else you do during your free time?" Murphy told Runner's World.

Thinking about your life in blocks of time before a race is extremely important, Murphy says, which is why it's helpful to know what big life events are coming up that could potentially mess with your training. So take a look at your calendar before signing up for a race. Are there any birthday parties, weddings, or vacations that could get in the way of your long runs? If there are, can you adjust your training schedule as a result? If you're willing to do that, then definitely consider signing up for the race you're eying.

2. Where is the race located?

Next, ask yourself how far you're willing to travel to run a race. Do you want to stick to something local or do you want to fly to another state? "If you’re somebody who likes to be very regimented, or you don't like to try new things or do anything too risky, I would definitely say to stay local so you can sleep in your own bed, eat your own food, and you’re not adjusting for time changes," Murphy says. "But if you’re just looking to have fun and explore a new city, you'll get a great experience out of it."

Understand what jet lag is going do to your body while you’re running.

If you do decide to choose a race in a place you've never traveled to before, it's important to think about how you're going to spend your time there when you're not racing.

"Understand what jet lag is going do to your body while you’re running, but also: if you’re sore afterwards, you’re probably not going be up for walking around and exploring," Murphy says. "So plan your cities and your activities based on how you think you’re going to feel."

In other words, it's probably not the best idea to plan a walking tour of a new city if you're racing a longer distance. It's also a good idea to find and stay at a hotel that is close to the starting line. Pro tip: Many races partner with hotels to offer deals and VIP experiences curated and designed specifically for traveling racers—like Westin Hotels and Resorts' Advertisement - Continue Reading Below Rock 'n' Roll Marathon Series.

It's also worth noting that traveling to a race in which you have a specific goal in mind can be tricky—though not impossible. It can be hard to get used to a new time zone, so you're most likely going to be a bit tired and not at your peak performance. "I went into the London Marathon with a very specific goal in mind, and halfway through the race, it was going horribly." Murphy says. "I wish I would have enjoyed it a little bit more." Again, hotels that cater to racers are going to make the whole traveling experience that much more pleasant. Westin, for instance, make it a point to DAA Industry Opt Out (Danielle Zickl for Runners World and Bicycling partnership with the) to keep guests healthy.

3. What's the terrain like?

When deciding on a race to sign up for, make sure to look at a map of the course (which every race website should have), and pay attention to the elevation and the type of terrain. Are you someone who does best on flat roads or hilly trails? Are you looking for an easier race or one that's more challenging?

Taking note of the race's environment ensures that you can properly prepare. For example, if you're running a race with rolling hills, you'll want to train on roads that mimic these hills as close as possible. If you're running a trail race, it's wise to get used to running in the woods.

4. What will the weather be like?

Training in the conditions you’re likely to expect on race day will help you adapt. This means paying attention to what the weather is typically like where you're running. "If you live in Texas and you train and run all the time in the heat, it’s not going to be as big of a risk for you to sign up for a race known to have hot temperatures," Murphy says. If you're someone who hates the cold, you might not want to sign up for a December race held in Minnesota.

If you’re going to a race that has a reputation for a certain type of weather, optimize your training.

Of course, you can't always predict what the weather will be like. Take the 2018 Boston Marathon as an example—no one thought it was going to be 37 degrees with freezing rain, "but if you’re going to a race that has a reputation for a certain type of weather, you want to optimize your training and think about what’s going to set you up for success."

5. Do you have a goal in mind, or is this just for fun?

According to Murphy, you need to ask yourself what your goal is going to be before you commit to signing up and training for a race. "That will affect how much time you need to train and how serious you need to get with your organization and planning," she says.

On the other hand, if you don't have any specific finishing times in mind, you can be a little more lenient with your training plan.

"I personally think having one goal race a year is great, and then the rest of them should be for fun," Murphy says. "If you try to do multiple goal races in a year, you might experience burnout if you’re doing marathons or longer distances—that’s eight months of your life that you’re saying no to and prioritizing running over everything else, and sometimes it can take the joy out of running." In other words, mixing things up is key.

Headshot of Danielle Zickl
Danielle Zickl
Senior Editor
Danielle Zickl for Runner's World and Bicycling.