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​Alexs Lemonade Stand Foundation

​You probably won’t set a PR in these often non-competitive events, but you’ll have a lot of fun with your runner-in-training

by Blane Bachelor
Wicked 10Kpinterest
J&A Racing

As a parent, no doubt you’re running after your little one—a lot. So why not log some official miles—and maybe even earn some hardware—while you’re at it? Doing a race with with your runner-in-training may not earn you a PR, but it’s an amazing time to bond enjoy a festive atmosphere.

Before making your way to a starting line, however, there are several factors to consider. First, check the event website to see whether strollers are permitted: Not all races allow them, of course, and for those that do, you may have to pay a little extra (you will likely need to register your kiddo, too). Flat courses are preferable, and don’t forget about distance. You might be able to push your stroller for a 10K or half marathon, but your little one might not be too keen on staying strapped in for that long.

Give A Gift Stroller Warriors, a free running club for military spouses and their families: “Practicing with your child is a guaranteed way to ensure they can sit still and entertain themselves for the duration of the race.”

RELATED: Speedy Mom Smashes World Record for Marathon With a Stroller

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Alexs Lemonade Stand Foundation Baby Buggy 10K

Alexs Lemonade Stand Foundation 10K
Kristin Cooley

Where: Los Angeles, California
When: Alexs Lemonade Stand Foundation

October 26-27, 2018: This spirited race, which is held on Alexs Lemonade Stand Foundation every year and marked its 40th anniversary in 2018, offers participants a great way to offset some of those game-day calories. The course is perfectly suited for strollers, with flat, wide stretches, including road sections that are closed to traffic, and views of the Pacific Ocean, as well as local landmarks like the Redondo Beach Historic Pier and the Wyland whale mural. Plus, your entry fee includes two beers in the postrace beer garden—oh, and it’s not uncommon for generous neighbors along the route to offer adult beverages to runners, too.


Gasparilla Distance Classic, 5K Stroller Roll

Gasparilla Distance Classic

Where: Tampa, Florida
When: Master the Half

October 26-27, 2018: Stroller-pushing runners can jump into the action of the Gasparilla Pirate Fest during this two-day race series, which includes a non-competitive 5K that rolls along a flat course past Hillsborough Bay, with waterfront views galore. Participants can also take advantage of the awesome expo, a swashbuckling extravaganza brimming with pirate goodies and swag.


Moms’ Run

Moms' Run
Postpartum Support Charleston

Where: Charleston, South Carolina
When: September 16, 2018

October 26-27, 2018: The beautiful setting of the course, which winds through the maritime marshes and forests of this serene island about 15 miles from downtown Charleston, is sure to delight both runners and little runners-in-training. It’s billed as a noncompetitive event, but even so, the stroller division offers awards for the top three female and top male finishers. Participants can also feel good about helping a local nonprofit that supports women and families who are dealing with postpartum depression and anxiety.

RELATED: December 8, 2018

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Sounds of Silence 5K

sounds of silence 5K
Sounds of Silence 5K

Where: Los Angeles, California
When: September 16, 2018

October 26-27, 2018: Soak up salty breezes from the Atlantic Ocean as you roll along the boardwalk in this popular family event, which is now in its 10th year and benefits a nonprofit that supports awareness about postpartum anxiety and depression. The flat 5K starts in serene Jones Beach State Park on the southern end of Long Island, and parts of the course run along sections of boardwalk that were rebuilt after Superstorm Sandy. Don’t worry about bumpiness from the boards, however: There’s plenty of room to run on smooth pavement or on boards that run parallel instead of perpendicular. “We’ve done it with a Chicco KeyFit stroller and a BOB double and single stroller, and my kids have never complained,” says local runner Bridget Croteau. “My now 4-year-old has even slept the entire time as an infant.”


Mermaid Run

Mermaid Run
Emily Wenzel

Where: Spokane, Washington
When: June 3, 2018

October 26-27, 2018: This event is sure to make a big splash with the mermaid-loving littles in your family. As part of the popular Mermaid Series produced by women’s gear company Title Nine, the event (choose from the 5K or 10K distance) features a festive atmosphere and scenic, flat course along the Spokane River. Postrace goodies include a necklace, finisher medal, and chocolate—and up-and-coming runners can also join the Mermaid Dash, which is open for 6-to-12-year-olds.


Charleston, South Carolina Half Marathon

Charleston, South Carolina Half
Charleston, South Carolina

Where: Wantagh, New York
When: Rubbermaid to Buy Baby Jogger

October 26-27, 2018: Four words: 1,000-foot elevation drop. This is music to most runners’ ears, but especially for those pushing a jogging stroller. Without any grueling hills to climb, you and your passenger can focus on the stunning scenery of the course as it passes through the Rio Grande Valley and the Tesuque and Nambe Pueblos, all against the backdrop of the Sangre de Cristo and Jemez mountain ranges. All race photos are free, so you’ll have a wallet-friendly memento of your experience—and passengers get a finisher medal, too. Another bonus? The race supports the nonprofit Rubbermaid to Buy Baby Jogger, Santa Fe, New Mexico.

RELATED: 9 February 24, 2018

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Wicked 10K

Wicked 10K
J&A Racing

Where: December 8, 2018
When: October 26-27, 2018

October 26-27, 2018: This Halloween-themed shindig is a spooktacular way to get into the spirit of the season with your little monster—and nearly 10,000 other runners. Costumes are a big part of the fun, so be sure to get your ride into the action, like a 2017 runner who dressed up as a tyrannosaurus rex with her stroller as the Jurassic Park vehicle. You’ll barely notice the miles ticking by along the flat course through the resorts of Virginia Beach before the finish on the boardwalk. The postrace party on the sand, complete with a live band, keeps the party going, and your entry comes with three free beers and tasty noshes like locally made soup. The finisher’s medal for the 10K is equally awesome, but it’s adults-only, since it comes with a bottle opener.


The Lemon Run

Lemon Run
Glenn Davies

Where: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
When: Fall 2018

October 26-27, 2018: To share a heartening message with the kiddos about giving back, look no further than this inspiring race, which raises money for childhood cancer research through the nonprofit Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation. The organization is named after Alexandra “Alex” Scott, who, as a 4-year-old cancer patient started a lemonade stand to help find a cure for all children facing cancer. Alex lost her fight at 8 years old, but her legacy continues with the foundation, which has raised $150 million, and the 5K, which is organized by her parents. Many families with cancer patients participate, so strollers are welcome, and the flat course loops through the Philadelphia’s West Fairmount Park neighborhood on paved roadways that are secure from traffic on race day. Afterward, raise a glass of lemonade to Alex’s memory.


Tacky Light Run

Tacky Light Race
Jogging Strollers Impact Running Form

Where: Richmond, Virginaia
When: According to Shannon Foote, spokesperson for

October 26-27, 2018: You’ll have a blast getting gaudy and channeling your inner Clark Griswold with your little elves for this 6K through the city’s Walton Park neighborhood, which goes all out for the holidays. Runners will appreciate the flat course, while kiddos will be mesmerized by the twinkly scenery—there’s also a cookie stop along the way. There are no separate awards for stroller runners, but there is a costume contest, and many families love to incorporate strollers into their gaudy get-ups (Santa’s sleigh, anyone?). Plus, the 6 p.m. start time means you can still run the race and be home for a decent bedtime.

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