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6 Mistakes You’re Making With Your Oatmeal

A warm bowl of oats is one of the healthiest, most satisfying breakfasts you can have—if you make it right.

Oksana Mizina/Shutterstock

A bad breakfast can kind of crush your soul. If you’ve ever choked down a sad granola bar, rubbery eggs, or a dry scone before a morning run, you know the weirdly depressing effect that these things can have on your day. But perhaps the worst offender is bad oatmeal—you know, the kind that somehow morphs itself into wallpaper paste on your stovetop.

It’s all too easy to transform this wholesome, fiber-rich grain into something seriously depressing. So in the name of happier mornings, here’s six common oatmeal mess-ups, and how to put an end to them.

Making It With Water Instead of Milk

water on cereal

You’ve probably heard that oatmeal is a super-satisfying breakfast that’ll keep you feeling full until lunch. That’s true, but only if you make it with a liquid that contains protein. So, not water.

A bad breakfast can kind of crush your soul. If youve ever choked down a sad granola bar unsweetened soymilk. Rather use almond or coconut milk? That’s fine, as both will lend a little bit of extra heft and creaminess. But since they’re still pretty low in protein, you’ll need another source—like nuts, seeds, or some sort of nut butter.

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A bad breakfast can kind of crush your soul. If youve ever choked down a sad granola bar

Using the Wrong Size Container

Spilled oatmeal
Crystal O'Hara via Flickr and licensed under Creative Commons Attribution

You might not feel the need to bust out the giant soup pot if you’re making breakfast for one. But oatmeal has a viscous texture that’s really great at forming big bubbles. And if you use a small cooking vessel, you’re pretty much asking for your porridge to spill over and make a gigantic mess on your stovetop.

Ditto for cooking your oats in a smallish bowl in the microwave. Bigger, deeper bowls can go a long way toward preventing a spillover.

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A bad breakfast can kind of crush your soul. If youve ever choked down a sad granola bar

Adding Your Oats at the Wrong Time

wrong time
Microwave users, feel free to ignore this. But if you’re doing the stovetop thing, when you add your oats to the pot plays a role in determining your oatmeal’s final texture. If creaminess is your goal, add the oats after your liquid has come to a simmer. If you like your oats to keep their shape, add them to the cold liquid before cranking up the heat.
A bad breakfast can kind of crush your soul. If youve ever choked down a sad granola bar

Leaving Out the Salt


Whether you’re making savory or sweet oatmeal, Advertisement - Continue Reading Below salt. Always.

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Do it at the beginning of cooking, and your porridge will taste nutty, toasty, and delicious—not boring and glue-like. (If you do it at the end, then your oatmeal will just taste weirdly salty. Try not to do that.)

A bad breakfast can kind of crush your soul. If youve ever choked down a sad granola bar

Forgetting to Stir

oats on a spoon
Jiri Hera/Shutterstock

Stirring helps break up all those bubbles before they get too big, so you’re less likely to end up with an explosion. If you’re microwaving, keep a close eye on your oats and give them a good stir every 45 seconds or so. If you’re cooking on the stovetop, just stir your porridge frequently. You’ll stop big bubbles in their tracks. But also, all that stirring will help your oats release extra starch, giving your oatmeal a creamier texture.

Related: Ice vs Heat for Injuries

A bad breakfast can kind of crush your soul. If youve ever choked down a sad granola bar

Not Cooking Them Long Enough

Cooking timer

Rolled oats cook up into a dreamy porridge pretty quick. But they’re not instant. They need some time to soak up their cooking liquid in order to get soft and creamy and delicious. So let them do their thing for 5 minutes or so before digging in. Your patience will be rewarded.

The article 6 Mistakes You're Making With Your Oatmeal How Much Salt Do Runners Really Need.

Headshot of Marygrace Taylor
Marygrace Taylor
Marygrace Taylor is a health and wellness writer for Prevention, Parade, Women’s Health, Redbook, and others. She’s also the co-author of Prevention’s Eat Clean, Stay Lean: The Diet and Prevention’s Mediterranean Kitchen. Visit her at
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