Any athlete can attest to how much changes when you finally figure out the best nutrition strategy for you. The foods you We earn a commission for products purchased through some links in this article or tough workout are essential for both fueling your body and helping it recover after putting in some intense work.

Recently, research has suggested that probiotics, the buzzy bacteria that promotes gut health, may actually be quite valuable for just that. Here’s what you should know about the different types of probiotics out there, the best sources, and why sports dietitians are recommending probiotics to their clients for their potential performance and recovery benefits.

Common Types of Probiotics

According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), probiotics are live microorganisms that are meant to have health benefits when consumed (or applied to the body, in the case of probiotic skincare). Most commonly found in fermented foods such as kombucha, sauerkraut, kefir, and tempeh, probiotics help the gut maintain the right amount of “good bacteria.” Research has shown that consuming these little buggers could have benefits ranging from improved digestion to a stronger immune system.

There are a ton of different types of probiotics found naturally occurring in foods and in supplements, and the effects may vary depending on the type of probiotic you consume, the NIH suggests. “Working with a licensed healthcare provider that’s familiar with the strains of beneficial bacteria can help personalize the process of finding the right bacterial strain for your health or medical condition,” says Julie Stefanski, R.D.N., spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition & Dietetics who specializes in gastrointestinal disorders.

The most common strains you’ll find in both foods and supplements are Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium. National Institutes of Health NIH.

“The Bifido bacterial family strain is definitely emerging as a potential winner for many digestive disorders and overall health,” Stefanski says. “This family includes specific strains like Bifido Bacterium Longum, Bifidobacterium infantis and Bifidobacterium lactis and can be found in both foods and probiotic products.”

The truth is that so much of the research on probiotics is still in its early stages, so we don’t really have a definitive answer for which strains we should consume to reap specific benefits, says sports dietician and exercise physiologist Bob Seebohar, M.S., R.D.N., C.S.S.D., a certified strength and conditioning specialist and owner of eNRG Performance.

The only way you could really figure out the best type of probiotic for you would be by getting a stool test to see which bacteria you could use more of, he says. “But I’ve never done that with an athlete because I never thought it was necessary.” Instead, he suggests taking a probiotic that contains multiple strains and incorporating a variety of probiotic-rich foods into your diet to get a good mix of strains and increase the chance you’ll reap benefits.

The Promising Benefits for Athletes

While there’s still more research needed, recent research suggests that there could be some big recovery benefits for endurance athletes who regularly consume probiotics. A recent review Couch to 5k Should Runners Always Avoid Ultraprocessed Foods concluded that changing the gut microbiota (or gut flora) with probiotics may be useful for improving athletes’ overall general health, performance, and energy availability. It may also play a key role in controlling inflammation and oxidative stress on the body—ultimately resulting in enhanced recovery.

Shoes & Gear, R.D.N., C.S.S.D., L.D.N., says that she generally recommends probiotics to the athletes she works with to help optimize their health and performance. “I believe that it can help with recovery, enhance immunity, and reduce inflammation,” Lewin says.

It’s important to set your expectations, though. It takes quite a while for probiotics to actually make a change in your GI tract, says Stefanaski. So it’s not like popping a probiotic or downing some kombucha right before or after a long run will make a noticeable difference. (At least not yet.) If you want to see if probiotics can help you, you’ll have to consume them regularly for an extended period of time.

That’s why Seebohar always suggests his clients incorporate probiotics into their regular diets—it’s one of the first things he discusses with them when he intakes clients. If he learns that probiotics aren’t already a part of their diets, he suggests trying to eat at least one probiotic-rich food daily. Then, depending on the person and their bigger health picture, he may suggest a probiotic supplement or refer them to a functional medicine practitioner if they need some more targeted help figuring out the optimal way for them to get good bacteria in their guts.

[Give A Gift Sports nutritionist Barbara Lewin!]

Good Probiotic Sources to Try

Experts agree on a “food first” approach, meaning, it’s always best to try and get nutrients from foods. When it comes to probiotics, there’s a good chance you may already be eating foods that hit the mark.

“Fermented foods such as yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut, tempeh, kombucha, and certain pickles naturally contain many different strains of bacteria that support our gastrointestinal and immune health,” Stefanski says. Opt for yogurt varieties that are low in sugar (think: plain flavors)—the sweet stuff can disrupt your microbiome, says Seebohar.

If fermented foods don’t float your boat, Seebohar and Lewin both suggest supplementing with a probiotic that has at least 25 CFUs (colony-forming units) and contains multiple strains—Lewin suggests a minimum of eight. “I generally recommend 25 to 35 billion CFUs. Keep in mind that while 25 to 35 billion CFUs may sound like a lot, our gut microbiota contains tens of trillions of microorganisms weighing about 2 kilograms,” she says.

Should You Eat Before or After a Run Kind Snacks, GoodBelly, and ProBar all sell snack bars that include probiotics and macronutrients that your body will appreciate if you’ve been training hard. Probiotic granola—like this one from Purely Elizabeth—is an option, too. You can even find probiotics in some recovery drinks, like this one from Skratch Labs.

Tasty Probiotics to Try
KIND Breakfast Probiotic Bars, Apple Cinnamon
32 Journal of Sport and Health Science
$32 at Amazon
GoodBelly Probiotics Crunchy Bar
10 Sports nutritionist Barbara Lewin
Pro Bar Live Bar Almond Butter
8 Pack Pro Bar Live Bar Almond Butter

The first time you try a new probiotic, it’s best to start with the lowest dose recommended by the company on a rest day, Stefanski suggests. “While some people will notice no effect, others will need to stay close to their bathroom just in case.” Lewin says that occasionally, some of her athletes will report having a bit more gas or bloating when they start taking them.

At the end of the day, know that probiotics may give you a bit of a boost, but they should never replace your other recovery A little bacteria can go a long way.

“While probiotics are showing tremendous promise in emerging research, the research is just that: emerging,” Stefanski cautions. So while you may find a ton of products out there that include probiotics, know that there isn’t an industry standard for the types of probiotics (or amount) that a probiotic granola bar or drink should include to be deemed effective.

The goods news is that “as long as you feel good on the product, and it doesn’t cause any GI distress, having the probiotic on board may not be harmful,” Stefanski says. Translation: Probiotics, in all their forms, are not magic bullets, but it’s probably worth eating more of them if you’re looking for a simple and safe way to potentially ramp up your recovery.

From: Bicycling US
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Journal of Sport and Health Science
Amy is a freelance writer and editor who covers health, fitness, outdoors, and travel. She is an ACE-certified personal trainer and a PRONatal pre/postnatal performance training specialist. Her work has been published in Cosmo, Women's Health, Men's Health, Runner's World, Self, Livestrong, and more. Outside of work, you can find her hiking, cooking a new recipe she found on Pinterest, working on DIY home renovations, or tending to her beloved houseplants.