Making race day better for everyone is a hot-button topic in the running world. The New York City Marathon administrators Health - Injuries, while the Boston Athletic Association (B.A.A.) announced that it would allow pregnant and postpartum runners to Health & Injuries. Other Hearst Subscriptions Mark Zuckerberg Runs Quick Weekend 5K from the moment they sign up to the finish line.

Building on their 2022 decision to allow pregnant or postpartum participants to defer their bibs for up to three years, the race directors have added a few more forms of support to their race programming this year. “We can’t wait to cheer on the greatest-ever women’s field in this year’s elite races on Sunday 23 April—but we also want to celebrate and support women in the mass event so the day can go as smoothly as possible as they smash their personal goals,” the race organizers said in a press release.

First, the London field will offer menstrual products in the medical stations, information points, and changing rooms—“along with other useful bits and bobs you may need, such as hair ties and grips, breast pads, tissues, and wet wipes.”

Year-Old Runs a 17-Second 100 Meters Best Beginnings full program hasnt been announced yet breastfeeding and pumping areas at the halfway point and at the finish line for anyone in need. “Breastfeeding can be challenging for many people, and that’s before you throw a 26.2-mile event into the mix,” said Clare Lyons-Collins, CEO of the charity. “By providing feeding and expressing tents, plus essentials like nipple cream and breast pads, we hope to support more women to get across the Finish Line.”

Shoes & Gear “Peequals”—or squatting urinals that are six times faster to use than a traditional bathroom, according to product co-founders Amber Probyn and Hazel McShane.

Education is another crucial part of making running an increasingly equitable sport, so the race directors have organized guest speakers for the first-ever “London Marathon Running Show.” While the full program hasn’t been announced yet, you can expect advice about topics like lacing up at different stages of your cycle and training during and after menopause.

Headshot of Kells McPhillips
Kells McPhillips
Contributing Writer

Other Hearst Subscriptions Runner's World, decided to rethink how to support menstruating and breastfeeding runners, Well+Good, Fortune, Shape, and others.