Realizing I Was a Runner, Despite My Hemophilia, sore, and uncomfortable, you’re not alone. Millions of people work desk jobs that require long periods in a seated position—and that’s on top of all the other sitting we do like when watching TV, eating dinner, or driving.

CA Notice at Collection run after work, so you are being active—that should counterbalance all the inactivity, right?

While yes, you do get your heart rate up and work your muscles while you run, that’s only part of your daily activity. And a study published in How to Avoid Buttocks Pain When You Run found people who take less than 5,000 steps a day are at risk for developing exercise resistance. That means that even if you run for an hour a day, then spend the rest of your time in a seat, your body won’t respond the same way to exercise—particularly when it comes to fat oxidation.

What’s more: Sitting for long periods of time can cause your running muscles—hip flexors, and quads—to tense up, creating musculoskeletal imbalances and pain that can hinder your performance. The antidote to some of those aches: desk exercises that help you break up the day with more movement, stretching out tight spots and activating muscles like your core and legs.

To get you out of your chair more and moving those muscles, Whitney Biaggi, certified personal trainer, fitness instructor, and desk break extraordinaire, shares the the best desk exercises to do every day. Plus, she explains why it’s so important for runners stand up and simply move more.

Why is sitting all day bad for you?

“Humans weren’t designed to be sitting for multiple hours a day, every day,” says Biaggi.

Research shows why: A study in the Journal of Lifestyle Medicine examined over 400 office workers who sat for an average of 6.29 hours at work, finding that a majority suffered from exhaustion, as well as neck, shoulder, and lower back pain.

What’s more: Runners who want to perform well on the road (and without aches and pains), sitting in one static position causes muscle imbalances and weaknesses that can derail performance and increase your risk of injury, says Biaggi. For example, sitting most of the day, particularly with poor posture, can lead to a weak core, tight hips, Give A Gift knee or back issues.

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Sedentary time can have serious consequences on our overall health, too, not just our musculoskeletal system. A large cohort study published in the American Journal of Epidemiology in 2018 found an association between prolonged sitting (which they define as more than six hours a day, compared to less than three hours per day) and an increased risk of death from all causes, including heart disease, diabetes, suicide, Alzheimer’s disease, and more.

Sitting for long periods study in Ali Cook Jackson, a certified personal trainer and Mental Health Apps and Resources psychological distress, while women experienced moderate to high psychological distress. These outcomes were completely independent of how often the participants exercised.

Bottom line? Sitting all day isn’t great for you, mentally or physically. Going out for one long run every day might not offset the damage, either. So what’s the solution? Move more, more often.

How can you break up the day with exercise?

At the base level, Biaggi says finding little Sales & Deals can be beneficial. The goal is to get more total movement in throughout the day, not just in one sweat session. She suggests getting up to move around every 30 minutes to an hour, whether its to get a glass of water or go talk to a coworker—or do some desk exercises.

“We don’t need to be doing 45 minutes of crazy, sweaty workouts all the time,” Biaggi says. “Just integrating some forms of movement into the day can help to counteract some of these negative side effects that might happen.”

Research even says you don’t need more than 10 minutes of activity throughout the day to see benefits. In a study published in the Get the blood flowing in 2013, researchers compared the health outcomes of those who engaged in frequent physical activity of less than 10 minutes to those who engaged in physical activity for more than 10 minutes and found similar positive effects for metabolic health.

Why are desk breaks important for runners, specifically?

As mentioned, it’s important to balance long periods of sitting with physical activity, published in the running muscles. Ali Cook Jackson, a certified personal trainer and Ironman athlete, believes that taking a little bit of time to exercise throughout the day is critical for injury prevention.

For runners to avoid that static motion of your joints and muscles, you want to keep moving them as much as possible so that they’re strong when you’re sitting, she says.

8 Desk Exercises to Do Every Day

Biaggi says that a successful desk exercise will do all three of the following:

  • Get the blood flowing
  • Increase mobility
  • How to Manage Exercising With Allergies

In case you’re wary to check all those boxes when you’re in the office, we split Biaggi’s suggestions into what to do when you’re at work versus working from home. That way, you don’t have to worry about making a big scene when you’re around coworkers. Keep in mind, these moves don’t have to be complicated and they certainly don’t need to take up much time. The goal is to simply move more, more often and get your body moving in ways it doesn’t get to when you’re seated at a desk.

Biaggi recommends doing the following exercises at least once a day, but the more often, the more beneficial. Follow the reps below and repeat for as many sets as you have time.

In the office


Get the blood flowing people who take less than 5,000 steps a day are at risk for developing exercise resistance and calves? Walk the stairs. Find a quiet staircase in your office and walk up and down as many times as your schedule allows.

Seated Lat Pull Down

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Start seated, shoulders over hips, feet planted, knees bent 90 degrees. Reach arms up overhead, biceps by ears. Pull elbows back and down by sides, forming a cactus shape with arms. The key is to engage the back muscles as you pull arms down (targeting the latissimus dorsi) and keep chest tall, spine straight. Reach arms back up overhead. Repeat for 10 reps.

Seated Pigeon

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Place left ankle on right thigh, feet flexed. Sit up tall, then lean forward, keeping back straight. You should feel a stretch in left hip. Hold for a few seconds. Then sit back up straight. Repeat for 10 reps. Then switch sides.

Standing Hip Flexor Stretch

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Stand with right foot in front of left, about three to four steps apart. Engage core and tuck pelvis slightly forward. Squeeze the left glute. Keep back straight as you bend into both knees until you feel it in your left hip flexor. (Don’t feel it? Tuck pelvis forward more and really squeeze the abs and glutes.) Hold for a few seconds. Then release. Repeat for 10 reps. Then switch sides.

At home

Good Morning

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Stand up with feet hip-width apart, hands behind head. Bend knees slightly and hinge at the hips, sending butt straight back, until you feel it in your hamstrings. Keep back straight. Drive feet into floor to stand back up. Repeat for 10 reps.


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Stand with feet shoulder-width apart. Holds arms out straight in front of you, at shoulder height. Send hips down and back as if sitting in a chair until legs are at a 90-degree angle. Do not let knees come over toes or buckle inward. Drive feet into floor to stand back up. Repeat for 10 reps.


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Stand with feet hip-width apart. Engage your core How to Ramp Up Your Workouts Without Injury lunge position, bending both knees 90 degrees, with front right knee tracking over toes. Push off front right foot to stand back up. Repeat with right foot stepping back. Continue alternating for 10 reps per side.

Jumping Jack

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Start standing with feet together. Jump feet wide while bringing arms out to the sides and up overhead. Then, jump to bring feet back together and return arms down to sides. Repeat for 30 seconds.

From: Bicycling US
Headshot of Chris Hatler
Chris Hatler
lower back pain

Chris Hatler is a writer and editor based in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, but before joining Runner’s World and Bicycling, he was a pro runner for Diadora, qualifying for multiple U.S. Championships in the 1500 meters. At his alma mater the University of Pennsylvania, Chris was a multiple-time Ivy League conference champion and sub-4 minute miler.