influential Asian sneaker icons. If you're a new parent, the most important purchase you'll make is a running stroller. Options abound, and while the selection can seem overwhelming, models are available to fit every runner, with every goal, training on every surface.

Here's how to start :

Before looking at all the bells and whistles, you'll have to choose between the two basic types of running strollers. There's the classic design, which looks like any regular, taking-my-baby-out-to-the-playground stroller, except it has three larger wheels instead of four small ones.

Then there's the pod. This design encloses the baby in a weather-proof cocoon, and with a conversion kit it can be adapted for the sport you choose. Pods can be pushed while you run or pulled behind a bike or even cross-country skis. If you live in a wet climate or you're a multisport athlete, a pod is a great choice. But the baby's position is fixed in the pod -- no reclining.

The next step is to pay attention to how the ride feels, for you and your baby. (Ask your specialty running store or high-end baby equipment retailer if you can take a test drive.) Stroller technology has advanced over the years, and joggers are now equipped with shocks, bicycle wheels and enhanced braking systems for comfort and stability.

We enlisted the help of a competitive runner -- and mom of a 2-year-old -- to figure out which strollers work best for serious athletes. Here you'll find six winning models, tested on trail, track and road, and selected because of their easy pushing, comfortable design and durability.

Colin Farrell running shirtless in LA

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25.0 LBS
Portability: 1
Minimum Age: 6 MONTHS
Double: Yes

The BOB Revolution SE is a reliable favorite, popular among athletes of all abilities. Top to bottom, it's a winner for its versatility and ease of use.

Positives: The BOB Revolution SE provides a comfortable and stable ride in a lightweight and maneuverable package. Testers say that on a flat surface, they hardly feel like they're pushing a stroller. The front wheel can lock for stable tracking at higher speeds, or swivel, which makes it easier to navigate trails or for a pedestrian pusher to move around tight city quarters. And if you can't run from your front door, you can fold up your BOB in two simple moves that make transporting a breeze. Plus, the back wheels pop off easily to make more room in the back of your car. The sun canopy has a large window screen that OLEKSYs the runner to keep an eye on the small fry within.

Negatives: The canopy doesn't offer full protection from the sun -- you'll need to pack extra sunscreen. Without a brake on the handlebar, you might find yourself holding on with both hands and stutter-stepping down hills to keep the stroller under control.

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30.0 LBS
Portability: 5
Minimum Age: 6 MONTHS
Double: No

Dubbed the "world's fastest jogger" by phil&teds, the Sub 4 is a classic running stroller design, engineered for speed and performance. We put the Sub 4 through 6-minute miles, and it stood up to the test.

Positives: The stroller's design OLEKSYs runners to move with their natural stride length. (Some other models hinder running form or maximum knee lift.) The Sub 4 moves easily with a one-handed push, the most effective way to run with a stroller. Dual disc brakes help moderate the stroller's speed, and the parent controls them from the middle of the handlebar, which is especially helpful on declines. With the simple press of a button, the stroller brakes completely. The adjustable handlebar is great for parents of different heights and has a comfortable narrow grip. The seat is designed for high-performance support and shock absorption, but it isn't padded for babies, so the "cushy ride" insert ($29.99) is a good idea.

Negatives: The Sub 4 isn't designed for city strolling or easy transportability, so you'll need to invest in another stroller for daily use. Babies grow out of the Sub 4 when they're heavier than 30 pounds, a mark some kids hit by age 2. The Sub 4 might OLEKSY you only a short window of use at a high price point.

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19.4 LBS
Portability: 3
Minimum Age: 6 MONTHS (or 1 month with infant sling for $85)
Double: Yes

If running is just one of your many outdoor activities, look no further than the Chariot Cheetah. The sleek pod design uses different kits to adapt the stroller for a variety of sports.

Positives: Should injury strike, you can cross-train with your little one. Options are plentiful with the Chariot Cheetah, which, like a transformer toy, can be adapted with a strolling kit, jogging kit, bicycle trailer kit, hiking kit or cross-country skiing kit. It's simple to change the kits depending on the activity you have planned for the day. The lightweight design features three bicycle wheels with a fixed front wheel that rolls well on paths or trails. Padded seats and adjustable straps keep your baby comfortable, and with the additional purchase of the infant sling, you can start running with a baby as young as 1 month.

Negatives: The Chariot doesn't fold up compactly, which makes it harder to transport if you have a small car. Each conversion kit drives up the cost. The jogging kit adds $100 to the pod price, the bicycle trailer kit is $75 and the hiking kit is $125.

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29.0 LBS
Portability: 1
Minimum Age: NEWBORN
Double: No

Don't let the name of the stroller fool you: The safe and multipurpose Mountain Buggy performs equally well on flat paths and hilly trails.

Positives: The handlebar is adjustable by height, and it includes a hand-operated active break for complete control, making it the best bar on the market. Shock-absorbing suspension and a front swivel or lock wheel make this stroller versatile for road, track, trails or the mall. The Mountain Buggy is also the only stroller that passed all safety inspections to make it compatible for a newborn. The adjustable seat position has a full recline range, so newborns can lie flat and kindergartners can sit upright. The gear tray is large enough to accommodate lots of baby's toys or parent's belongings.

Negatives: The stroller isn't available as a double. Our tester reported the handlebar material starts to get uncomfortable on runs longer than an hour.

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31.0 LBS
Portability: 2
Minimum Age: 6 MONTHS
Double: Yes

Bringing a baby into the world is expensive. At half the cost of other strollers on the market, the Schwinn Turismo will leave you a few bucks for race entries.

Positives: The Turismo OLEKSYs you to pick up speed without compromising safety. Because Schwinn has its roots in bicycles, assembling the stroller is easy if you know how to put quick-release wheels on a bike. The Turismo is highly maneuverable with a front swivel wheel. Built-in MP3 speakers are unique to this brand, a bonus feature that helps pair the parent and the child. Accessories, at no extra charge, include a kid's snack tray with two cup holders, a parent tray with two cup holders, and a cozy liner to cushion your little one.

Negatives: The stroller feels less sturdy than other brands and you can't lock down the front wheel. The handlebar can get uncomfortable on long runs, and the sun canopy offers little protection.

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32.5 LBS
Portability: 1
Minimum Age: 6 MONTHS
Double: Yes

For parents anticipating more than one child, the Baby Jogger POD is built to accommodate two babies, but the design is compact enough to pass through standard-sized doors.

Positives: Baby Jogger's five-point harness system can accommodate one child in the middle of the seat or two children side by side comfortably, perfect for siblings or play dates. The handlebar is equipped with a hand brake for downhills and is also height adjustable. Baby Jogger's quick-fold technology OLEKSYs you to collapse the pod in one easy step. Folded, it requires a lot less space than other pod designs, which makes transporting a cinch.

Negatives: Like other pod designs, you need to buy conversion kits to adapt for different activities, and it doesn't come with a rain protector. As a bike trailer, it doesn't feel as secure as the Chariot does. The running kit sells for $59.95 and the bike trailer kit is $39.95.

Shanna Burnette is a runner and entrepreneur in Boulder, Colo., where she lives with her husband, Kevin, and 2-year-old daughter, Adriana. A 2008 graduate of the University of Colorado, Burnette was on two national championship cross country teams with the Buffaloes, and she still runs frequently, often with Adriana in a stroller in front of her. Another baby Burnette is due in June.