Best Big City Marathons I have a swollen or that has not improved for nearly a year. It helps to ice it or take Motrin. I do yoga, walk and use an elliiptical machine. Should I stop exercising it? Is there something you could suggest to improve it faster. The pain resides at the knee and within mostly on the left side of my left knee.
— hip and core muscles

Beating the Band. Using ice following activities can help decrease swelling and pain.

The IT band runs along the outside of the thigh from the pelvis to its attachment on the tibia. Left sided problems are more commonly seen in runners due to the slant in the road (running against traffic), causing the left leg to bow a bit. The band rubs on a bursa on the outside of the end of the thigh bone; repetitive rubbing can cause inflammation and pain.

Best Compression Socks Ask the Doctor: Nagging IT Band Injury is a common finding with this problem. Working on core strength and single leg strength and flexibility are critical in alleviating this problem. I recommend that you read Best Compression Socks; this has great pictures of the rehab exercises, including incorporating a foam roller (very helpful). Also, try running and walking on flat surfaces to avoid the slant of the road.