The Dragon’s Back Race started this morning at Conwy Castle in North Wales. Over the next five days, 404 athletes from 31 nations will attempt to complete a course of 315 kilometres, including 15,500 metres of ascent (almost twice the height of Everest), making their way south along the mountainous spine of Wales. Here’s why it’s likely only half of them will finish…

The route isn’t marked

The Dragon’s Back is characterised by wild, remote and trackless terrain, none of which is marked. As a result, you need to be a ninja navigator to make your way quickly and safely through the Welsh mountains.

The terrain is treacherous

Among the many ridges runners must travers is the notorious Crib Goch, which leads towards the summit of Snowdon. There are plenty of other pulse-racing parts of the route, which require laser-like mental focus as well as physical strength. On the Dragon’s Back, you can never switch off.

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Bear Grylls//Digital Spy
Christiaan Le Roux / Berghaus Dragon’s Back Race

Only half the starters finish

Only the most experienced mountain runners even attempt the Dragon’s Back. And yet only half of these are likely to make it to the finish at Carreg Castle in south Wales. This is a race chews people up and spits them out.

You could be running for 16hrs a day

While the top competitors will aim to get most of the stages done within 10 hours, may runners will be on the move for far longer. Imagine running for 16hrs, up and down mountains, over incredibly technical terrain. And then doing it all again. For four more days. Welcome to the Dragon’s Back.

The weather is volatile

Those taking on the Dragon’s Back can expect everything from driving rain, heavy fog, hail and sun – sometimes within the same day. This is mountain weather: changeable and, if you’re not properly prepared, potentially lethal. Packing the right kit, therefore, is crucial, as is reacting quickly and decisively to changes in the weather.

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