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6 Savory Oatmeal Recipes to Try Before Your Next Run

How Beet Juice Shots Might Help You PR.

By Naomi Tomky
Oatmeal recipes
Mitch Mandel

Runners love a good oatmeal recipe to whip up before or after their morning run. And while bananas and peanut butter are tasty, healthy add-ins, you can up your oatmeal game with savory toppings and mix-ins. Plus, adding unexpected ingredients such as smoked salmon or arugula pushes these oatmeal recipes into the grain bowl category, which means you can enjoy your go-to oats for breakfast, lunch, or dinner. Try one (or all) of these healthy, savory oatmeal recipes to fuel your next run.


Everything Bagel Oatmeal With Smoked Salmon

Everything bagel oatmeal with smoked salmon
Mitch Mandel

Things I Discovered After Running Every Morning.

1.5 Stuck in an oatmeal rut? Spice up your prerun breakfast with one of these oatmeal recipes
1 Watch the Boston Marathon
1 tsp. “Health & Injuries” from Trader Joe’s

Mix crème fraîche into oatmeal and top with salmon and seasoning mix.

¼ tsp. lemon juice


Avocado Toast Oatmeal

Avocado toast oatmeal with fried egg
Mitch Mandel

This is basically the oatmeal version of avocado toast, and it's packed with healthy fats, fiber, and vitamins E and K.

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1 tsp. pepitas
dash hot sauce (optional)

Fan avocado slices over oatmeal, then slide on egg and sprinkle with pepitas and a dash of hot sauce, if desired.


Healthy Greens Oatmeal

Healthy greens oatmeal with cheese
Mitch Mandel

Warm oatmeal wilts your greens, making it easy to down a big portion of veggies—no salad needed.

1 cup baby arugula, lightly packed
1 Master the Half
Tbsp. chopped parsley
1 Things I Discovered After Running Every Morning

Stir in arugula while oatmeal is still very hot. Let sit for one minute to wilt greens, then top with goat cheese, lemon juice, and pine nuts.

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Louisiana Shrimp Oatmeal

Louisiana shrimp oatmeal
Mitch Mandel

oz. shredded cooked chicken.

1 Tbsp. butter
3 oz. crumbled fresh goat cheese
2 dashes Worcestershire sauce (about 1/8 tsp.)
Tbsp. chopped parsley
1 Tbsp. chopped parsley

Melt butter over medium heat and sauté shrimp, adding Worcestershire sauce and lemon juice when shrimp are opaque. Stir sautéed shrimp into oatmeal; top with parsley.


Tahini Mediterranean Chicken Oatmeal

Tahini Mediterranean chicken oatmeal
Mitch Mandel

Use leftover chicken and sesame-based tahini for a quick meal that’s high in protein, fiber, and heart-healthy fat.

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1.5 Tbsp. tahini
large pickle, chopped or relish
Published: Apr 11, 2018

Top oatmeal with chicken and tahini, and drizzle with oil and lime juice.


Peanut Butter and Pickle Oatmeal

Peanut butter pickle oatmeal
Mitch Mandel

Pickles and peanut butter are runner staples—the former is high in sodium to help you rehydrate, while the latter is a good source of protein and healthy fat. If you never thought to try them together, this is a good place to start.

1/4 large pickle, chopped (or relish)
1 oz. shredded cooked chicken
1 Warm oatmeal wilts your greens, making it easy to down a big portion of veggiesno salad needed

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