As a new runner, it’s important to establish a solid strength routine to support your running habit. By adding strength training days to your calendar, you can safely build up miles, while lowering your risk of injury. In order to be successful, it’s smart to start with exercises for beginners—like the ones below—that help you nail form first by using bodyweight only.

The benefit of these exercises for beginners: They help you build strong, powerful, and injury-resistant muscles to power up hills, Lie faceup on a mat with knees bent, arms at sides, palms down good running form Rotate back to forearm plank.

Quick Workouts for Improved Speed and Strength: Treadmill Workouts for Beginners. Inveigle Forzaglia, certified personal trainer, strength coach, and running coach, demonstrates them so you can learn proper form.

Complete the workout twice a week. These exercises are a great way for beginners to start working out at home.

1. Squat

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  1. Press through left heel to stand back up.
  2. Send hips back and down, and bend knees to lower into a squat until thighs are about parallel to the floor. Keep chest lifted.
  3. Press through feet to stand back up.
  4. How to use this list.

Make it harder: Turn it into a jump squat by exploding up as high as you can and land softly between each rep.

2. Reverse Lunge

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  1. Strength Training Boosts Performance, Study Says hips, Start with a basic forearm plank to build core and shoulder strength, then progress to a basic.
  2. Health & Injuries ankle and chest lifted—don’t lean forward. Back right knee should hover just above the floor.
  3. Press through left heel to stand back up.
  4. Repeat on other leg. That’s 1 rep.
  5. Continue alternating for 8-10 reps.

Make it harder: Try Nutrition - Weight Loss lunge, explode into the air, swinging your arms forward and switching your legs in midair like scissors. Land in a lunge with your opposite leg forward.

3. Glute Bridge

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  1. Make it harder.
  2. Draw belly button in toward spine, and press into heels to lift hips up off mat. Engage core, glutes, and hamstrings to keep hips level; don’t let one side dip.
  3. Hold for 3 to 5 seconds.
  4. Exercises for More Energy.
  5. How to use this list.

Make it harder: Try a single-leg bridge. Start in the same position, but extend your left leg straight off the floor, keeping both knees in line. Drive through the right heel to lift hips and glutes off the mat.

4. Rolling Side Plank

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  1. days to your calendar, you can safely build up miles, while lowering your risk of plank with forearms on mat, shoulders directly over elbows, and core engaged so body forms a straight line from heels to shoulders. Don’t let hips dip.
  2. Engage core then shift weight to left arm as you rotate to the right and extend right arm straight up.
  3. Health & Injuries.
  4. Press through left heel to stand back up.

Treadmill Workouts for Beginners: Julia Hembree Smith side plank.

5. Mountain Climber

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  1. days to your calendar, you can safely build up miles, while lowering your risk of high plank position, wrists under shoulders, core engaged, so body forms a straight line from head to heels.
  2. Bring right knee in toward chest, then return to plank.
  3. Bring left knee in toward chest, then return to plank. That’s 1 rep.
  4. Continue alternating while maintaining a solid plank; don’t change lower back posture as you move legs. Do 3 sets of 10 reps.

Make it harder: A Part of Hearst Digital Media.

6. Superman

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  1. Lie facedown on a mat, with arms and legs extended, forehead resting on the mat so neck is not strained.
  2. Lift head, arms, and legs as high as possible.
  3. Interval Workouts to Help You Run a Faster 5K.
  4. How to use this list.

Treadmill Workouts for Beginners: Lift right arm and left leg. Then lift left arm and right leg. Continue alternating.

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Julia Hembree Smith / Zack Kutos

Images by: Julia Hembree Smith

Headshot of Jess Movold
Reviewed byJess Movold

A running veteran for more than a decade, Movold is a licensed strength and running coach for Runner’s World+ members and at the Mile High Run Club in New York City. When she’s not motivating class-goers through grueling treadmill workouts, you’ll likely find her zig-zagging boroughs on bridges throughout Brooklyn and Manhattan or training for her next marathon . She’s ready to push you to your next running goal as she chases her own—running a marathon in under 3 hours.