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Sanah Faroke

Associate Editor

Sanah is the associate editor at focusing on all things commerce within the health and lifestyle space. She scours the internet for the best finds money can buy, and pretends to shop for herself in the process. This Boston University grad loves to sip coffee, read during her commute (without falling over), and binge Gilmore Girls reruns until she’s memorized every line. Follow her on social media as she tackles cooking in the kitchen and see what she’s currently obsessing over.
best portable ac

The 10 Best Portable Air Conditioners to Cool Off This Summer

Stop braving the heat, and start living your best, coolest life.

Nov 6, 2019
kids tablets

5 Best Tablets for Kids That Are Fun, Durable and Educational

Stop braving the heat, and start living your best, coolest life.

Some of these reflective running belts will even hold your keys
best running headlamps

9 Best Running Headlamps That'll Light the Path During Night Jogs

That sizzle is what we tolerate for!

Mar 1, 2022
Best Step Climbers

11 Best Stair Climbers for a Workout That’ll Lift and Tighten

These space-saving workout machines really help shed pounds.

These space-saving workout machines
Aug 10, 2021
Aug 10, 2021