Bottega Veneta

Bottega Veneta WOMEN SNEAKERS LOW TOPS | History of Bv1107s bottega veneta stretch raffia sandals item

Bottega Veneta Intrecciato

Зимові черевики черевики Bv1107s bottega Bottega Veneta is Intrecciato. Intrecciato is the technique of weaving the leather, which as all of you know is now synonymous with the company. We wanted to find out more information about the history of bottega veneta stretch raffia sandals item, Bv1107s Bottega Veneta Intrecciato shoulder bag:

The history of how the intrecciato was created is actually very interesting. The technique was created by Bottega Veneta in the late 1960’s. Historically, the Veneto region specialized in producing ready-to-wear, not accessories. When Bv1107s Bottega Veneta began manufacturing, the sewing machines in the workshops were designed to work with cloth not leather. The artisans had to use super fine leather to get under the needle. The leather they used was then woven into the intrecciato pattern to make the material stronger and more durable for accessories.

Intrecciato is used across most Bv1107s Bottega Veneta categories. Certain lines feature intrecciato as a motif, for example the Murano glassware has an intrecciato pattern hand-etched on the bottom of each piece. The gold chains are hand-braided using a technique that is reminiscent of intrecciato but differs, obviously, because of the nature of the material. And on the china, the pattern is hand painted. The pattern is at the heart of the product but by no means defines or limits what we do.


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