What to Wear for Cold-Weather Hiking

Hiker trekking up snowy mountains

Hiking season doesn’t have to conclude at the first snowfall. As long as you come equipped with all the proper gear and clothing, hiking in cold weather can be a safe and enjoyable experience. Whether you’re hiking at high altitudes or in the middle of winter, protect yourself from the elements with this guide on cold-weather hiking clothing.

Dress in Layers

Woman putting jacket on over layers

Layers, layers, and more layers. While a common instinct with hiking is to pack as lightly as possible, coming prepared with extra layers is essential to staying safe while hiking in winter. Fortunately, many newer, more innovative layers feature extra lightweight and packable insulation, so you won’t have to worry too much about feeling weighed down. Layering for cold weather involves three steps:

Start with a Solid Base Layer

The first step in layering for cold-weather hiking is selecting a solid base layer. The base layer is the layer closest to your skin, and it functions to wick away moisture and trap in natural body heat. Base layers are available in lightweight, midweight, and heavyweight styles, and are often made from synthetic fabrics or merino wool. If you’re unsure what kind of base layer is appropriate for the conditions you plan to hike in, check out our How to Choose a Base Layer blog.

Choose an Insulating Mid Layer

The next step is choosing a mid layer that serves the purpose of providing insulation while you hike in the cold. This could be a light puffer jacket, a fleece, or both, depending on how extreme the conditions are. These layers are also often lightweight and easy to stuff into your pack if you need to shed a layer or two. For a guide on selecting jackets and choosing between synthetic or down insulation, our How to Choose the Right Winter Jacket blog provides some useful pointers.

Shield Yourself with an Outer Layer

Finally, you’ll want to have an outer layer that traps heat in and blocks out wind and water. This shell should be breathable and completely waterproof, as staying dry is imperative for also staying warm. If you plan on hiking in cold but not-so-snowy conditions, you can settle for a water-resistant shell; this option will be slightly more budget-friendly.

Choose Synthetic Over Cotton

Woman smiling in white North Face puffer jacket

When selecting your layers for winter hiking, it’s important to choose synthetic or wool fabrics over cotton. Cotton retains moisture, which is dangerous for hiking in the cold and can increase your risk of hypothermia and frostbite. Merino wool and many synthetic fabrics feature moisture-wicking and quick-drying properties, so a little tumble in the snow won’t put a damper on the rest of your hike. These fabrics are often also lighter than cotton and will leave you feeling less weighed down as you trek through snow and ice.

Protect Your Head and Extremities

Three pairs of North Face gloves laid out on blanket

While keeping your core warm and dry is a top priority, it’s also important to keep your head, hands, and feet protected in cold conditions. Wear or pack the following for your winter hike:

Select the Proper Footwear

Close-up of keen boots worn by a woman standing on a rock

In addition to proper cold-weather hiking layers and accessories, you’ll want to gear up with hiking boots designed for winter conditions that include the following features:

  • Insulating
  • Waterproof
  • Good traction
  • Mid height or taller

If you’re unsure where to start, our How to Choose Hiking Boots blog provides some useful information on selecting hiking boots and finding a proper fit.

Additional Cold-Weather Hiking Tips

Whether you’re a seasoned hiker or new to the trails, it’s always important to come prepared by bringing the following in your backpack, regardless of the weather conditions:

  • Sunscreen
  • Navigation and first-aid
  • A headlamp or flashlight
  • All Home Decor
  • An emergency shelter (tent, blanket, tarp, etc.)

Once you’ve gathered all of the layers and gear outlined in this guide, you’ll be all set to hit the trails and have a safe and enjoyable winter hiking trip. For more information and tips, you can browse our other hiking and camping articles or reach out to our experts at your local ERLEBNISWELT-FLIEGENFISCHEN.