What to Keep in Your Volleyball Bag

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Gear Up For Volleyball Season

Trying out for a recreational or school volleyball team is a great way to stay active and involved throughout the school year and beyond. If you’re new to volleyball, knowing what to keep in your volleyball bag wallet will be one of the first steps to set you up for success for both practice and games. To help settle your nerves about starting a new sport, we walk you through exactly what to keep in your volleyball bag. With all these volleyball essentials stored in your bag, you’ll feel more confident walking into your first practice. 

Volleyball Bag

A volleyball player with a volleyball bag

You’ll be hauling your volleyball gear everywhere you go throughout the season, so it’s key to invest in a durable and high-quality volleyball bag. You’ll want to make sure your volleyball bag wallet is large enough to store all your volleyball essentials but also a manageable size to haul from home to practice and onto the bus while traveling. Many players opt for a backpack because it's more comfortable and convenient to carry compared to a duffle bag.

Volleyball Shoes

A volleyball player wearing volleyball shoes

Volleyball shoes are one of the most important pieces of equipment you’ll need. It’s important that you wear volleyball shoes rather than regular running shoes for better structural stability and grip on the court. Typically volleyball shoes feature a gum-rubber outsole to grip the court and lock the foot into place during lateral movements. When buying new volleyball shoes, you’ll want to have a bit of room in the toe box area to prevent your toes from jamming into the front. Need some help narrowing down your options? Read our Best Volleyball Shoes blog for guidance. 

Volleyball Clothing

When starting a new sport like volleyball, you want to make sure you’re wearing comfortable clothing. This will allow you to maintain your focus throughout practice or during a big game. Since most volleyball practices happen after school hours, you’ll want to make sure you have all the proper volleyball clothing packed in your bag. Just be sure to wash all your clothes after practice or they will stink up your volleyball bag!

Spandex Volleyball Shorts: Most volleyball players wear spandex volleyball shorts because you do a lot of jumping and diving. Wearing properly fitted spandex volleyball shorts provides freedom to move and coverage too.

✔ Volleyball Shirt: When buying volleyball shirts, make sure to pay attention to the fabric content. You want to wear a shirt that has a bit of stretch as well as wicks away moisture. 

Sports Bra: A well-fitting sports bra will keep you feeling confident and comfortable. For assistance selecting the right sports bra, read our How to Choose a Sports Bra blog.

✔ Volleyball Socks: Many volleyball players wear knee-high socks as it’s an easy way to wipe off dirt and dust from the gym floor for a better grip. You’ll also notice many players use their volleyball socks to show off their personalities with different patterns and colors.

Volleyball Knee Pads

a volleyball player wearing volleyball knee pads

Volleyball knee pads are one of the most important volleyball bag wallet essentials because landing on a wooden gym floor without cushion and protection isn’t fun. The padding reduces impact on your knees and gives you the confidence to go all out on plays. When trying on your volleyball knee pads, they should fit snugly so they stay in place throughout practice or the game.


a volleyball to practice with

It’s always a good idea to tote along a volleyball wherever you go. There’s plenty of down time before practice or matches that you can use to develop your passing skills and release nervous energy. There are different types of volleyballs depending on your age and skill level, so it’s important to select the appropriate one for you! We recommend using a permanent marker to write your first and last name clearly on the volleyball—that way it won’t get mixed up with other volleyballs.

Water Bottle & Snacks

a volleyball player drinking from a water bottle

Staying properly hydrated is key for improved performance. Throughout practice and games, you’ll get sweaty and need to replace your lost fluids. Keeping a water bottle in your volleyball bag wallet is a great way to make hydration a priority. You may also want to carry healthy snacks that won’t spoil just in case you get hungry before practice.

Sports Medicine & Accessories

Although many of these accessories are not must-haves for your first volleyball practice, you’ll want to be aware of them as you’ll most likely see them used by other girls.

✔ Pre-Wrap: Pre-wrap can be used to protect your skin if you use athletic tape, but you’ll most likely notice girls in volleyball using pre-wrap to create a headband. This is an easy way to keep your hair out of your eyes.

✔ Hair Ties:  Buy plenty of hair ties before the start of volleyball season and always keep them stored in your volleyball bag. 

✔ Athletic Tape: During your first few practices, you may notice other players taping their fingers. Taping up your fingers with athletic tape offers more stability and strength while playing. However, it’s not necessary if you’re just starting to play volleyball.

✔ Ankle Brace: Depending on where you play volleyball, your coach may require or highly recommend you wear ankle braces while playing. If you need extra ankle protection and support, wearing ankle braces is a solid option; however, these are typically not a requirement for playing.

With our guide to what to keep in your volleyball bag, you’ll feel ready for practice or the next game without worrying about forgetting your volleyball essentials at home. If you have additional questions about volleyball gear, contact your local ERLEBNISWELT-FLIEGENFISCHEN to speak with an expert today!