What is eFoiling?

What is eFoiling?

Have you ever seen someone that looks like they’re flying across the water on a surfboard? Then you’ve witnessed eFoiling! eFoiling allows riders to effortlessly glide above the water's surface, offering a thrilling new experience on the water. Since eFoiling is a relatively new sport, our Watersports Experts answer some of the questions you have about eFoiling!

What is an eFoil?

diagram of an efoil

An eFoil is an electric-powered hydrofoil surfboard. Equipped with a propeller and controlled by a handheld remote, an eFoil board glides above the water's surface, propelled by a wing-like structure mounted underneath. Here’s everything you’ll need to start foiling:

Board Components:

Other Equipment You’ll Need:

Note: Since an eFoil is a motorized vessel on the water, it most likely will be registered with your local Game and Fish Department. Check your local regulations.

How Much Does an eFoil Cost?

Investing in an eFoil can vary in cost depending on brand, model, and additional features. Generally, expect to pay anywhere from $5,000 to $12,000 for a quality eFoil setup. While this may seem steep, the technology and craftsmanship involved in producing eFoils justify the price tag for many people. Here are some things to keep in mind about eFoil pricing:

  • eFoiling is a stand-alone watersport - there isn’t the expense of needing a boat to pull you.
  • There aren’t any ongoing expenses - other than the electricity to charge your eFoil battery, you won’t need to spend money on things like gas or oil.

How to eFoil

man efoiling in the ocean

Learning how to eFoil requires balance, coordination, and patience. Although there is a learning curve, most eFoilers report starting to get the hang of eFoiling in under an hour. Here’s a brief outline of the steps to getting started:

  1. Wear protective gear such as a helmet and life jacket. Be sure the water you’re eFoiling in is deep enough to avoid damaging your equipment (at least 5 feet or 1.5 meters deep).
  2. Start by eFoiling on your stomach at a slower speed (around 6 mph).
  3. Transition to a kneeling position, keeping a consistent throttle. Make a few turns to get comfortable.
  4. Slowly progress to standing up on the board, and accelerate to speeds around 10 miles per hour to achieve a more stable ride.
  5. Adopt a wide stance square with the front of the board for additional stability. It’s critical to shift your weight forward as the board accelerates whether you’re on your stomach, kneeling, or standing.
  6. Practice “touch and go’s” by easing onto the eFoil and shifting weight back at a sufficient speed, then slightly letting off the throttle while shifting weight forward to bring the board back down to the surface of the water.

Why To Get an eFoil

woman efoiling by a cliff
  1. Solo Watersport: eFoiling doesn't require a boat or driver to enjoy. This independence allows riders the freedom to explore the water whenever and wherever they want.
  2. Accessible Adventure: eFoiling offers an accessible way for individuals of all skill levels to experience the thrill of flying on the water, regardless of wave conditions or body of water.
  3. Fitness & Fun: Just like any watersport, eFoiling requires balance and stability, providing you with an activity that is both thrilling and a great way to get up and moving.
  4. Environmental Friendly: With no emissions and minimal noise, eFoiling is a sustainable alternative to traditional watercraft powered by fossil fuels, making it an eco-conscious choice.

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