Types of Bow Releases

Types of Bow Releases

closeup picture of a bow release

When it comes to archery hunting or target shooting, the type of bow release you choose can greatly impact your accuracy and performance. A bow release is a device that releases the bowstring with a smooth and consistent motion, resulting in a more controlled shot. The most common types of bow releases are handheld and wrist releases—each type has unique advantages and disadvantages.

Wrist Releases

Index Finger Release

archer shooting a bow with a wrist strap release

One of the most popular types of bow releases is the index finger release. As the name implies, this release is activated by the archer's index finger. To use, the archer attaches the strap to their writes, places their index finger on a trigger, and squeezes it or pulls through the shot to release the bowstring. This type of release offers a controlled and intuitive shooting experience, as most people are accustomed to using their index finger for shooting firearms. Index finger releases are often adjustable as well, allowing for customization according to preferences. Plus, using a wrist release is one less thing to worry about because it’s always attached to you and ready to use.

Expert Tip: Index finger releases can cause “target panic,” which can be explained as the instinct to hit the trigger prematurely or outside of the target.

Expert Pick:

Handheld Releases

Button (Thumb) Release

archer shooting a bow with a button or thumb release

Another popular type of bow release is the button, or thumb release. As the name suggests, this release is activated by the archer's thumb. With a thumb release, the archer uses their thumb to push against a trigger, which releases the bowstring. This type of release offers a high level of accuracy and control without the chance of misfire as an index finger release, making it a favorite among many experienced archers. Additionally, thumb releases are a great option if you’re struggling to aim your shot due to target panic. Button releases let you focus more on aiming and a gradual shot progression—this allows for a more organic and surprising shot execution than if you were punching a trigger.

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Hinge (Back Tension) Release

archer shooting a bow with a back tension or hinge release

Another excellent handheld release option is the hinge release, often called the back tension release. These releases do not have a trigger, and instead, release the bow string by increasing back tension. With a back tension release, the archer draws the bowstring back and then gradually increases the pressure on their back muscles, causing the release to activate. This type of release requires proper technique and practice, but it can greatly enhance shot control and reduce target panic due to not needing a “trigger.”

Expert Pick:

Choosing the right bow release is crucial for archery hunting success. Whether you opt for a index finger release, thumb release, or hinge release, each type offers its own shooting experience. It's important to try out different releases and find the one that feels most comfortable and natural to you. Remember, accuracy and consistency are key in archery hunting and target shooting, so investing time in selecting the right bow release can greatly improve your shooting performance in the field. If you have additional questions on bow releases, contact your local ERLEBNISWELT-FLIEGENFISCHEN and speak to an Archery Expert today.

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