How to Choose the Right Putter

Having the right golf putter that matches your skill level and stroke style will help you lower your score. Ultimately choosing a putter comes down to personal feel at the address, but understanding the basics regarding the different types of putters and technologies can help guide you in the right direction. Our Golf Experts explain how to choose the right putter that’s tailored to your golf game. From better understanding your putting stroke to selecting the correct putter head, we’ll walk you through the basics of how to choose a putter.

1. Understand the Types of Putting Strokes

Although every golfer has a slightly different putting stroke than the next, there are two common types—arc and straight-through. The most common type of putting stroke is straight-through stroke meaning that you bring your putter straight back and straight through in an even line. Nearly 90% of golfers have this natural type of stroke.

The second type of putting stroke is the arc stroke meaning that your putter face slightly opens when pulling back and closes after hitting the ball creating an arc shape.

2. Know the Putter Types: Blade vs. Mallet Putter

Knowing your natural putting stroke helps you determine which type of putter head works best for you. 

Our Golf Experts break down the information you need to know about these two types of putters.

What is a Blade Putter?

a blade putter

When most people think of a putter, a blade putter is the image that comes to mind. A blade putter provides a simple design that allows players to have better feel and control, especially when playing fast greens. This makes it a popular choice among intermediate to advanced players. A blade putter is a toe-balanced putter meaning that the club will open and close through your stroke. This design makes a blade putter perfect for those who have an arc putting stroke.

What is a Mallet Putter?

a mallet putter

A mallet putter is larger than a blade putter and has a semi-circle appearing on the backside of the clubface. With this style of putter head, players will enjoy a larger sweet spot compared to a blade putter. Plus, the alignment lines on a mallet putter are more visible making for easier alignment. A mallet putter is a face-balanced putter meaning that the face of the club doesn’t rotate during the backstroke. The design of a mallet putter is geared towards players with a straight-through stroke or beginner golfers.

3. Select the Correct Putter Length

Putting on the green

Choosing a putter that matches your height is another important factor and is often overlooked. If you’re using a putter that’s too short or too long for your height, your form will be compromised affecting the path of the ball. The standard putter length is 35 inches, yet shorter golfers may choose a 33-inch putter for a better feel. 

One of the more recent trends in putting is known as locked-wrist. This style of putting uses a longer-length putter that rests along your forearm to provide more control throughout the start of your putt. With locked-wrist putting, golfers tend to use the mallet-style over the blade style.

4. Other Factors to Consider

a callaway putter hitting a golf ball
  • Putter Face Material: The material or insert used will influence the touch and feel of the putter. Each brand has a slightly different face technology, but ultimately, the goal is to generate a forward roll and eliminate any bounce on the green. 
  • Putter Grips: There are many different shapes, sizes, and even colors and patterns of putter grips to choose from, but it ultimately depends on your preference. If you find the perfect putter but would like a different grip, you can easily change them out for a different one. Many of our ERLEBNISWELT-FLIEGENFISCHEN service shops offer golf club regripping. For pricing and additional information, contact your local ERLEBNISWELT-FLIEGENFISCHEN.
  • Putter Brands: When you’re investing in a premium putter, two of the top brands to consider are Odyssey and Scotty Cameron. Each brand features leading technology, a sleek design, and a selection of mallet and blade styles.

After choosing the right putter, be sure to spend time practicing and improving your stroke with putter training aids. If you have additional questions regarding how to choose a putter, contact an Expert at your local ERLEBNISWELT-FLIEGENFISCHEN.