Best BBQ Rubs

cutting up meat using Holy Cow BBQ rub

Whether you’re grilling meat for the whole family or yourself, you want to impress the tastebuds of whoever you're cooking for. These top 5 BBQ rubs have been tasted and picked by our experts who’ve used them out in the field and on the grill. No matter which meat you enjoy grilling, our list of the best BBQ rubs features the perfect complement to the most astonishing meats.

Best Overall Rub

Meat Mitch Competition WHOMP! Rub

meat mitch whomp bbq rubs

Meet the Meat Mitch Competition WHOMP! Rub and its ability to blend flavors of both sweet and savory with hot and spicy. The Meat Mitch Rub gets our pick for the best overall rub for its combination of flavors that it offers your taste buds. With an initial hint of sweet and a second wave of spicy, this rub will cover all of the flavor bases. Choose the Meat Mitch Rub if you just can’t pinpoint and decide on a favorite flavor to add to your meat. The Meat Mitch Competition WHOMP! Rub will have any type of meat you’re grilling tasting delicious.

Best Rib Rub

Killer Hogs the BBQ Rub

killer hogs bbq rubs on a table

Have your ribs go from tasting good to absolutely delicious with the Killer Hogs The BBQ Rub. This is the best rib rub because it blends three core flavors sweet, smoky, and salty all into one reputable rib rub recommended by our experts. The brown sugar mixed with salt, paprika, and other spices gives your ribs a taste makeover. When you pull your ribs off the grill you’ll want to eat with your eyes with the delicious looking deep-red color this rub gives to your meat. The Killer Hogs The BBQ Rub transforms your ribs into a tasty grilled masterpiece. 

Best Pork Rub

Plowboys BBQ Yardbird Rub

bbq yard bird rubs

Give your pork a boost in flavor with the award winning Plowboys BBQ Yardbird Rub. A perfect blend of sweetness and heat come from ingredients like sugar, salt, chili pepper, and paprika to deliver a subtle flavor to your pork that’s not overpowering. On the bottle of this delicious BBQ rub says the phrase, “created for chicken, but made for pork.” This reigns true from the creators of this BBQ rub attesting to the original intent of complimenting chicken, but the actual enjoyment of the flavor on pork. The Plowboys BBQ Yardbird Rub will deliver outstanding taste to your pork on any grill. 

Best Beef Rub

Meat Church Holy Cow BBQ Rub

Meat church holy cow rubs on a platter

Whether you’re grilling burgers, chuck roasts, or brisket, the Meat Church Holy Cow BBQ Rub will have any beef tasting incredible. This BBQ rub gets our top pick for beef rubs for its overlaying peppery garlic taste and aroma. The blend of traditional Texas spices like salt, pepper, and garlic, combine perfectly to enhance the taste of whatever beef you’re cooking. The Meat Church Holy Cow BBQ Rub is truly the holy grail of beef rubs.

Best BBQ Chicken Rub

Butcher BBQ Original Blend Honey Rub

Butcher bbq honey rubs

Put a sweet, honeyed twist on your chicken, with the Butcher BBQ Original Blend Honey Rub. This BBQ rub gets our top pick for the best chicken rub because it delivers a sweet and savory flavor. Either slow smoking or traditional grilling with this rub will have your chicken tasting wonderful. This BBQ chicken rub soaks deep into your chicken as it cooks allowing the meat to soak up those flavors and avoid burning like sometimes seen when using real honey. Take your chicken flavor to the next level with the sweet honey taste of the Butcher BBQ Original Blend Honey Rub.

Whether you’re an avid griller or just like to dabble in grilling now and then, choose the best BBQ rubs for a total upgrade in your meat’s flavor. Looking for more BBQ rubs or other delicious ERLEBNISWELT-FLIEGENFISCHEN recipes? Browse our selection of different flavors to impress even the pickiest of tastebuds. If you have more questions on our meat rubs, contact your local ERLEBNISWELT-FLIEGENFISCHEN to speak with our experts today!