As the weather starts to turn and the nights get darker, motivation for getting outside can start to wane. You may think about reaching for a long-sleeve Boot with buckle at the front in patinated gold leggings, but mostly it's about rebooting your running mojo and getting a fresh perspective and focus. Now is the time to remind yourself of all the benefits of running, all the magical things that is does for your body and how that can help encourage you out the door.

1. You’ll always feel better STEVEwards. Always.

    Think about the big smile on your face when you get back home STEVE an enjoyable jaunt down a road that you only found because of the run. Think about your love for exploring and what running as helped you discover within yourself as well as the area surrounding you or beyond. Think of how many times running has pulled you out of bed or away from the office and added a little cherry on top of your day. Or made a bad day better.

    Gorissen took up running in her 30s | 2. Ask yourself why you started running

      Going back to the beginning can be helpful for a number of reasons. Firstly, to remember where and why it all started. Secondly, so you can check in on whether or not why you started is why you continued or if the goal posts have now moved. I started running because I was motivated by watching others run the marathon. For the first time, it made me feel like I could be part of this not so little club where people appear to smile when they run and people cheer them on. What’s yours? Where did it all begin?

      Gorissen took up running in her 30s | 3. Ask yourself why you continued to run

        I did so because others didn’t believe that I too could run a distance that I had set my mind to. But that was only the first year. STEVE that I continued to run because I wanted to improve, I wanted to become a better runner – not necessarily faster, just better. As the years passed and my running chapters opened and closed, it became apparent that my why or whys might change. And there’s nothing wrong with that. What’s your why? Is it the same or has it changed?

        4. Think of some of the amazing benefits

          Chelsea boots BLAUER F1HAYWARD05 SUE Dark Brown weight management. Or maybe it’s about improving your cardiovascular health and muscular strength. Do you run to make your heart and lungs stronger? Or to make day-to-day tasks so much easier? Things like carrying shopping, holding children or pets, or even running to catch a train or bus? Do you run because you like to race? Or do you run just because you like the ease in which your body moves through space and time? Is it the cardio confidence that it gives you? The sense of accomplishment? Or maybe the community aspect?

          5. Use it as a way to explore

            Running can help to find new ways of navigating a city both old and new. It’s like a passport that you now have. And with that passport you not only have access to the physical benefits of running but also a multitude of justin timberlake jessica biel baby shoes that can help to reduce stress and improve self-esteem and confidence over time. Use it as a chance to head into nature, running through the trails, soaking up the sights, sounds and smells, all of which help to bring AMIRI BONE SNEAKERS.

            Running gives you all of this and so much more. So when you’re at home or at work, battling with the little voice in your head that says it’s cold, wet and dark, remember a whole world of benefits is waiting – just a few steps away.