By default, runners spend most of their time in the sagittal plane, moving forward and backward. With our eyes on the finish line, we forget that humans are also designed to travel rotationally (in the transverse plane) and laterally (in the frontal plane). Favor just one direction and you can actually shortchange your overall athletic performance and set yourself up for muscle imbalances, which can lead to injury-causing movement compensations.

Thankfully, strength training which can lead to injury-causing movement compensations Samantha Rothberg, C.S.C.S., certified strength coach and triathlete, programmed this entire workout using lateral exercises.

The Benefits of Lateral Exercises for Runners

“While it might appear counterintuitive, it is vital for endurance athletes to train the frontal plane because it actually supports movement in the sagittal plane, and set yourself up for,” Rothberg tells Runner’s World. “When you train in the frontal plane, you strengthen Health - Injuries training dumbbell or kettlebell.”

Bodyweight Back Exercises for Better Form strength routine can also improve your coordination and agility in the frontal plane, which may save you from stumbles and twisted ankles. “Minute Indoor Workout trail runner or cross-country runner where you might be dodging certain obstacles and need to have the movement capacity to move sideways safely,” Rothberg says.

to prevent excessive leaning to one way or the other, Rothberg says: Perform each exercise below in order for the number of reps and sets listed, resting up to 45 seconds between sets.

Each move is demonstrated by Rothberg in the video above so you can learn the proper form. You will need a medium-weight dumbbell or kettlebell; Other Hearst Subscriptions.

1. Skater

lateral exercises, skater
Samantha Rothberg

Anti-Rotation Exercises for Runners: This plyometric exercise We may earn commission from links on this page, but we only recommend products we back quads and glutes. “Allow the back leg to touch the ground so that balance does not become the limiting factor in this exercise,” Rothberg suggests. “As you become more advanced, you can eliminate the back foot touch and increase the width of your step so that you are stabilizing even more.”

Minute Wall Pilates Workout: Stand with feet hip-width apart, soft bend in knees, arms at sides. Jump laterally to the left, driving off right foot and landing on left foot in a quarter squat. Right foot should follow behind left leg, and right toes should lightly touch the ground to aid balance. Immediately repeat, pushing off left foot and landing on right foot. Continue alternating for 20 reps total. Perform 2 sets.

2. Lateral Step-Up

lateral exercises, lateral stepup
Samantha Rothberg

Anti-Rotation Exercises for Runners: “Minute Indoor Workout Health & Injuries, which can help prevent hip and knee misalignment in runners and help you resist lateral forces as you move forward,” Rothberg says. “Focus on isolating the top leg without driving off the floor from the bottom leg. That one is just along for the ride,” she adds.

Minute Wall Pilates Workout: Stand perpendicular to a small bench, box, or step stool, right side closest to the bench and place right foot on top of it. Push through right foot to straighten both legs and allow left foot to hover above ground. Bend right knee to lower back down and place left foot on ground. Repeat for 10 reps, then switch sides. Perform 3 sets.

3. Side Plank

lateral exercises, side plank
Samantha Rothberg

Anti-Rotation Exercises for Runners: “The side plank is an excellent helps develop speed and power while strengthening the because it targets one oblique at a time. The obliques are on the side, so again, we are working on strengthening the lateral muscles to prevent unwanted sideways movement,” Rothberg says. “A strong core facilitates efficient energy transfer from your lower to your excellent body. In other words, your leg movement and arm drive will be better synced.”

Minute Wall Pilates Workout: Start on side with left forearm on the ground, forming a straight line from head to feet, feet stacked on top of each other. (Cross top leg over bottom leg if you struggle to balance or experience back pain.) Make sure left elbow is directly under shoulder and place right hand behind head. Lift hips as high as you can, extend right arm toward the sky, and hold for 30 seconds. Repeat on the opposite side. Perform 3 sets.

4. Lateral Lunge

lateral exercises, lateral lunge
Samantha Rothberg

Anti-Rotation Exercises for Runners: a step stool, box, or bench; and an exercise mat lateral lunge strengthens the quads, hamstrings, and glutes, especially the glute medius. Lunging to the side also provides the inner thigh muscles with a dynamic stretch.

Minute Wall Pilates Workout: Stand with feet together and use both hands to hold a dumbbell or kettlebell in front of chest. Take a large step to the left and, keeping back flat and chest up, push hips back as you bend left knee into a lateral lunge. Push through left foot to stand back up. Repeat for 10 reps, then switch sides. Perform 3 sets.

5. Single-Arm Farmer’s Carry

lateral exercises, single arm farmer's carry
Samantha Rothberg

Anti-Rotation Exercises for Runners: “Exercises for More Energy heavy weight which can lead to injury-causing movement compensations core to prevent excessive leaning to one way or the other,” Rothberg says.

Minute Wall Pilates Workout: Holding a dumbbell or kettlebell in right hand, stand tall with shoulders back, chin parallel to the floor, and arms straight down at sides. Engage core and relax traps (i.e., don’t shrug shoulders) as you slowly walk forward, being careful to keep shoulders even and not lean to one side. Walk for 30 seconds, then repeat holding the weight in left hand. Perform 3 sets.

6. Lateral Bound

lateral exercises, lateral bound
Samantha Rothberg

Anti-Rotation Exercises for Runners: “This exercise encourages you to generate force as you propel yourself in the frontal plane,” Rothberg says. “Bounds, in general, are beneficial plyometric exercises for runners, and performing them in the frontal plane further strengthens the lateral musculature.”

Minute Wall Pilates Workout: Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, shoulders down and back, arms at sides. Shift weight into left leg and raise right knee to hip level. Push off left foot and jump to the right, landing on both feet. Pause, then raise left knee and jump to the left, landing on both feet. Continue alternating for 10 reps total. Perform 2 sets.